Gary Wayne: Bloodlines of the Royals | podcast

Family of Frederick Prince of Wales

Guest Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, returns with us to give us his insight on Bloodlines of the Royals, especially the Stuarts (Stewarts) and Windsors. Gary traces the origins of the royal families and how they became powerful monarchs. Answers of where their bloodlines come from, what makes them unique, and what their role is in society and in relationship with the Secret Societies and their agenda.

Gary takes us through the early Saxon and Viking period where the Royal families came, on to King Arthur. He shows how the Sinclair Knights Templar family merged with Robert the Bruce to become the Stuart (Stewart) family that gave us King James. Also how the Hanover family line also parallel and had become the Windsors.

Gary WayneThis episode has a lot of historical information and names, so it is a bumpy ride. Gary takes us through to dissect the elements and link the Royal families with the Secret Societies, and their claim of King of Jerusalem and Merovingian bloodlines that were ancestry of Jesus and Mary Magdalene according to Secret Society claims.

Gary also shares how the Royal bloodlines keep track of their lineage and have used outside bloodlines to prevent inbreeding (incest} issues, but that they intend to return in purity in the End Times. We trace them to possibilities of Antichrist and how they intend to use kings to divide the regions of the world into 10 sectors.

Gary’s website is

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