Steven Ben Nun host of Israeli News Live joins us with his insight on current news reports. We discuss the situation with the US, British, Russia, and China. He goes over the Syria conflict and pressure there and what it means in Bible prophecy. We talk about the influence of the Jesuits in the Middle East. Steve reveals who is behind Israel and running the agenda. And the facade of politics. He drops an exclusive about Trump that the public does not know, and why it was necessary for the evangelical community to get behind Trump for the agenda. And of course we will get his take on the New World Order and Mystery Babylon. He also throws in insider information about the dark side of CERN. Steven speaks off the cuff. You don’t want to miss this one.
In this episode we discuss some sensitive issues. It may step on some toes, but there is truth to be told.
- US involvement in Syria
- US and Russia entanglement and why the conflict
- Israel’s role in the Middle East crisis
- What Turkey plans
- Why Iran is next
- Why a cashless society is not yet until the New World Order is in place
- Who is involved with the operation in Israel
- Israel and Vatican coalition
- Fake conflict to keep wars going
- Facade of political parties
- Netanyahu’s true feelings towards Christins
- Jesuit influence in the conflicts
- Do the Zionists have a good intention or not?
- A mention of CERN and its true intentions
- Mystery Babylon and how it relates
Steven can be found at his website