This document called, “Protocols for the Learned Elders of Zion”has been accused of as a forgery, claimed by Leo Taxil, to play on the naive Catholic Church. However, the Jesuits are known to present their own controlled opposition. As well as hide or conceal a real agenda in propaganda. The Protocols was said to have been displayed at the British Library until the early 1970s. So it must have some validity.
Even so, it is said to be a document for an agenda of propaganda laced with terminology of ethnicity to create anti-Semitism, so that the tension could be used for sympathy of victimization. At the same time those hiding behind the cover of Zionism could have their way to claim the prize property of the land of Israel taken away from the Palestines.
In it is listed the outline for a One World Government under Zionism. The Zionists claim to be Jews, but are not truly the children of Israel that the Bible describes, only a culture that adopted the religion of Judaism under the Talmud and Zohar (Kabbalah). The Talmud calls for the demise of the influence of Jesus Christ, as well as calls those non-Zionist as “goyim,” meaning they are considered human cattle.
Anyway, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was described as the blueprint for the domination of the world by a secret brotherhood.
Let’s get past the fact that it used graphic description to blame it on the Jews as a cover to hide its true origins.
The “Jews” that are considered Zionists are not true Jews, but those falsely called Jews to equate with the children of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob to claim the rights of the Palestinian land as promised. They are actually Khazars and Ashkenazi Europeans that converted to Zionist Judaism to practice their religion. However, not all Zionists are Jews, so Zionism is an entity of its own agenda. How is the title of “Jews” used?
Jesus called these type a “synagogue of Satan”, who say they are Jews (using it as a cover) yet are not.
Wealthy bankers, like Jacob Schiff, who was born a child of a Rabbi, was a Rothschild agent. They formed a cover of “Jewish” lineage in order to make the case for a land to acquire for their Zionist movement. This land would become Israel.
In the meantime, they fabricated a way to divide the people into minorities, whites from blacks, etc. The separation of the Jews was a class of itself and was used to coin the phrase “anti-Semitic.” From it they could lay claim to persecution against “Jewish” people in order to create wider division, while hiding behind a false ethnicity to claim the rights to the land in Palestine and develop a Zionist Political State called Israel.
The Protocols make it quite clear that ‘anti-semitism’, meaning ‘anti-Judaic’, is an ‘indispensable’ part of the plan for world domination. It will be used for ‘the management of our lesser brethren’. What we find by the documents, is that Zionists used the cover of Jewry to sacrifice the Jews in order to continue their case by offering their ‘lesser brethren’, for the greater aim of world domination..
According to Myron Fagan (1967 speech), ‘Anti-Semitic’ is a phrase which means ‘against Semites’ but has come to be used solely as meaning ‘anti-Jewish’. The irony inherent in this ill-used phrase is that the Semitic Arabs are actually amongst the greatest victims in the crime and fraud known as Zionism, in which Russian Jews, who are racially non-Semitic, in the first half of the Twentieth Century, fostered and executed a plan to create an officially recognized Jewish homeland in Palestine. The result of which was the mass displacement and persecution of the indigenous Arab citizens. This is without doubt ‘anti-semitism’ at its worst. And yet to state this plain fact openly today is to invite the accusation of being ‘anti-Semitic’! As the British; American and other Anglo-Saxon and Celtic peoples are also descended from Shem/Sem, they are also Semitic peoples. Therefore anyone who is anti-British or anti-American is anti-Semitic, in the true definition of the term. But, of course, as explained in the Protocols, it is the Jews who publish the dictionaries and so they define the words according to their plan.
According to Fagan, both Communism and Zionism can be seen to be the two means by which the Protocols unfolded during the early Twentieth Century. Whilst Communism acted to tear down the Russian aristocratic system and replace it with a tyranny and dictatorship led predominantly by Jews, placing a vast area of territory and human resources into the hands of the conspirators, Zionism used the false accusation of the need for the establishment of the prophesied Jewish homeland to re-home the Eastern Jews who were being badly persecuted in Russia at the time. In fact, as is shown by government documents of the time, the accusation of mass anti-Semitism and progroms in Russia at the turn of the century (against Jews who are non-Semitic; being descendants of Japheth, not Shem) is massively exaggerated.
In order to protect the claim of Jewry, Schiff organized the “AntiDefamation League” (ADL) of the B’nai B’rith in 1913 to protect against question of the Zionist conspiracy. But this agenda had to also do with the Illuminati plan to weaken Christianity and subdue it (Christian Zionism) for follow along with their plan for One World Government.
Since then to today, there is a radical protection against these Jews (Zionists) and make it “hate speech” to come against them. This is not only an attempt to prevent anyone from coming against the Illuminati One World Government and its headquarters setting up in Israel, but also to weaken the influence of Christianity and get them compliant.
Myron Fagen speech in 1967
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