Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know with guest DeAnne Loper | podcast

Kabbalah secrets by Loper
Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know by DeAnne Loper

The Kabbalah has influence in Judaism. Many who participate in this cultic occult practice may be Jewish converts, but also may be those interested in the Kabbalah benefits. However, Kabbalah has also had an impact on Christianity as many leaders unwittingly, or knowingly, introduce Kabbalah elements into their preaching and doctrine.

In this episode DeAnne Loper joins us. She is author of “Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know”. She explains what Kabbalah is, and how it is regarded in the Jewish sects. Her insight unravels the Judaism mindset of what Kabbalah actually means and how it has infiltrated the Christian church and presented the idea of a Third Temple and Messianic Messiah, who isn’t Jesus.

She explains:

  • The divine sexual encounter with God.
  • The Hebrew characters considered divine.
  • The name of God that is different than what we know.
  • The Kabbalah practices.

Everything is explained in her book “Kabbalah Secrets Christians needs to Know.”

DeAnne’s website is https://www.kabbalahsecretschristiansneedtoknow.com/

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