In this episode we discuss the idea of devils and the devil, the nature of Satan and Lucifer, and the reality of witches. The Wicca religion became popular in the 1960s as a neo-pagan group to express their rituals.
Halloween emphasizes the imagery of devils and witches in a fictitious playful manner that is fun for children. Neo-pagan (Wiccans) are witches who truly believe in the festivities around Halloween, even if they disassociate with the dark practices.
The devil is generally pictured as red having horns and a pitchfork. Personification of mischief and deception, as well as fear and scary imagery. Many regard this imagery as a fiction of an entity for horror and playful fear, yet a real entity identifies with this.
Can refer to one specific entity as a label (the devil), or to multiple (devils).
In scripture is interpreted in various references.
Strongs H8163 – sa ieyr, a he-goat. A demon-possessed goat.
Lev 17:17
or attributed to sacrifice in a positive sense of atonement
2Chron 11:15
As a he-goat, it associates with the scapegoat (Azazel) in scripture that the priests laid upon its head for the sins of the people, and sent it off to the wilderness.
Incidentally, the goat represents sin and personification of the devil. The Goat head, Goat of Mendes, Pan (faun), the Baphomet. And the book of Enoch names one of the high demons Azazel. Is this coincidence?
Devil in scripture also is translated from a Hebrew word that should correctly render demon.
Strongs H7700 – shed, demon
Deut 32:17
Sacrifice children unto demons
Ps 106:37
The label of devil is a term meaning slanderer. An antagonizer to accuse. One is a devil who accuses in slander. Demon is an intellectual being and is different.
The KJV misappropriates demons/demonized as translated as devil, such as places where indicating a devil is cast out, or possessed by a devil. But that is not correct. The word devil is different from demon and appropriated differently.
Devil is diabolos G1228.
Demon is daimon G1142
When Jesus is tempted (Matthew 4), it is correctly rendered it is of the devil (diabolos, accuser).
When devils are cast out (Matthew 10:8), they are demonic spirits (daimons).
When the KJV says one is “possessed of a devil,” it should be rendered one is demonized (daimonizomai).
Satan and Lucifer
An entity known as Satan is one who is the Adversary of God. In Hebrew AND in Greek the name is rendered the same, Satan. However, Satan is not the name of the devil, it is a label to emphasize his opposition to God, He is God’s adversary, the Antagonist. When the Devil is used as a proper name (also just a label), it refers to the one who is labeled Satan. One in the same.
The name Lucifer is also a reference to the nature of the chief cherub of God, who rebelled and was cast out from his authority in heaven. In this description, he is known as a Light Bearer. Lucifer is the Latin for the Hebrew word Heylel. It means Light Bearer, Shining One, One of Brilliance. And Lucifer was in heaven until he fell. Now is bears false light, counterfeit enlightenment, and appears as an angel of light (2Cor 11:13). The one who rebelled and is adversary against God (Satan) is the same who was God’s chief angel (Heylel/Lucifer). Therefore the proper name used for Satan is one in the same as Lucifer amd not a separate entity. Although someone who opposes God can also be called a satan in a sense of the label of the word meaning.
Many who worship Satan represent his deity and offer sacrifices unto him, even child and human sacrifices. They practice dark rituals and practices. Those who regard Lucifer may also understand the dark nature of Satan. But some who identify with Lucifer do not practice rituals and Satanic human sacrifices necessarily.
The Devil, Satan, Lucifer all refer to the same entity in context, whether one worships him as deity, or just identifies with his concept and ideology.
In Genesis 3 the Serpent offered man through Eve the ability to have knowledge and power, as well as immortality. He tempted Eve to partake in the forbidden fruit not meant for man to take upon his own. Yet the Serpent, cunning as he was offered Eve:
Immortality, you shall NOT surely die
Gnostic knowledge, abilty to make one wise
And Divinity to be as gods
Of course this was a false offer and he had no ability to fulfill. It was a deception, trickery against man. The Serpent was cunning and deceptive. This Serpent is equated with the devil and Satan.
[Rev 12:9] 9 So the great DRAGON was cast out, that SERPENT of old, called the DEVIL and SATAN, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Many philosophies are based on this doctrine. Called the “Doctrine of Demons.”
Lucis Trust is a philosophy of esoteric knowledge (Gnosticism) and a plan to live eternally getting us back to the Garden conditions. Lucis Trust was first named Lucifer Publishing before changing it to a less obvious name. They have influence over United Nations members and educates its members with Luciferian philosophy in terms of political policies, causes and regulations.
Witches and Wicca
Witches are those who practice witchcraft. But also neo-paganism is Wicca, associated as witches. The practices were modernized by Gerald Gardner, a Rosicrucian magician who used the façade of paganism for his practices. Though not all witches observe the same. His practice was called Wicca later, coined by his rival Charles Cardell, who referred to Gardner’s practice as “Craft of the Wiccens” in 1958. The term began being used by 1962.
The nature of witch and Wiccan practices vary. But often contain rituals, worship of nature, and conjuring spells. A witch once said, “All witches are pagan, but not all pagans are witches.”
Some witches and Wiccans deny a deity. At least they deny an entity called the devil and Satan. However, the higher degrees believe in primarily two gods. They acknowledge the Moon god and the Horned god representing two principles and identified in different divine aspects. They could be referred to as the “Great Goddess” and the “Great Horned God.” This is duotheism. These two represent the two principle elements of nature, male and female. Together they form a unity of where the power of magic emanates. And this is pictured in the Baphomet, the androgynous imagery of the goat head with the horns, female organs and male organs in itself, which is a composite of both together.
We can see how the “moon” goddess, and horned god can reduce to two different principles referring to Lucifer as the Light-Bearer. Any strong light personifies a counterfeit composite for light and enlightenment.
Witches claim to be innocent and good, only practicing rituals and harmless incantations. However, when a witch crosses a line to cast a spell or cause interruption, that one is a Black Witch. Only a fine line distinguishes a White Witch from a Black Witch. And in essence intent is the only difference. However, it is justified either way by the practicioner, which means there is actually no difference in actuality.
Satanists are classified as witches since they perform witchcraft (not Satanist as a label, but in practice). Druids are witches that practice rituals and human sacrifice. They use mysticism and magic, sexual acts and perversions. Children are sacrifices, as well as adults. The concept of bon fire (bone fire) was a picture of the person burning as a effigy, called the Wicker Man.
Witchcraft is not spiritual in the eyes of God. It is a work of the flesh (Galatians 5). As opposed to the works of the fruit of the spirit. And those practicing witchcraft or a witch are earthly, worldly, and bound to this world that will perish.
Seek Jesus Christ and do not be taken by the enticement of the Serpent who only wants to see you perish. The devil comes but to main, kill, and destroy. But Jesus Christ comes to give life abundant. And promise of eternal life. The Serpent has lied and his immortality is death.