holistic doctors

Holistic Doctor Death Series 60 Dead

September 23, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Holistic and natural cure doctors are dying at a rapid and consistent rate. Many of these doctors are studying and researching natural cures for cancer and other diseases and coming to conclusions that are shocking. In their research they are finding our nutrition lacking the necessary vitamins and foods to [READ MORE]

holistic doctors

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But Why? | Collective-Evolution

August 30, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

  Since June 19th, eight medical/holistic/alternative doctors have been found dead, and at least four of these deaths are being treated as homicides. These deaths have perplexed and rattled people, especially those in the alternative medicine community, and everyone is wondering what exactly is going on. Are these deaths linked?  We [READ MORE]

holistic doctors

Holistic Health Doctors Found Dead – After Run-Ins with Feds

August 19, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

  Over the past months, five natural health doctors have either mysteriously died or been intentionally killed, with another five having gone missing under unexplained circumstances. Source: href=”http://thefreethoughtproject.com/5-holistic-heath-doctors-dead-5-missing-month-run-ins-feds/”>5 Holistic Health Doctors Found Dead In 4 Weeks, 5 More Go Missing – After Run-Ins with Feds | The Free Thought Project

UN world at risk

Agenda 2023 for the Great Reset | podcast

October 2, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Once said that Agenda 2030 was speeding ahead to possibly be implemented in 2025. Some now claim this has moved up even sooner to 2023. They gained more ground with COVID than probably anticipated with so many complying with the agenda by the force of propaganda. Listen to “Agenda 2023 [READ MORE]