Once said that Agenda 2030 was speeding ahead to possibly be implemented in 2025. Some now claim this has moved up even sooner to 2023. They gained more ground with COVID than probably anticipated with so many complying with the agenda by the force of propaganda.
Listen to “Agenda 2023 for the Great Reset” on Spreaker.
We all know of the Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda, but after the recent 76th United Nations General Assembly it was revealed that their plan is for a new form of government by 2023. That early? Could they pass off such an agenda in such little time? Well, they pawned off the biggest plot for a pandemic and paralyzed governments in less than 18 months.
The crisis of COVID allowed the narrative for starting the propaganda to push for a new currency with new ways of doing things. But just as a precaution the Climate Change narrative is still looming as a backup.
From the U.N. transcript it was declared:
In response, we embarked upon a process of reflection, engaging a broad array of stakeholders, including Member States, thought leaders, young people, civil society and the UN system and its many partners.
Our Common Agenda builds on many of the ideas that emerged during the year-long global listening exercise conducted in the context of the 75th anniversary where more than 1.5 million people in all 193 Member States voiced strong public support for international cooperation, and a desire for more effective, more inclusive and more networked multilateralism in the future.
This report synthesizes key ideas that emerged during the reflection process and offers suggestions on how to take them forward.
The World Health Organization must be empowered and funded adequately, so that it can play a leading role in coordinating emergency response. Global health security and preparedness must be strengthened through sustained political commitment and leadership at the highest level. Low- and middle-income countries must be able to develop and access health technologies.
The summit should include a New Agenda for Peace, that takes a more comprehensive, holistic view of global security.
Three sectors are recognized as a think-tank for this agenda.
Thought Leaders (advisory board of “stakeholders”)
Corporate leaders to bring in this Order
Young Thinkers
Those under 30 to bring in ideas for a new global deal
We The Peoples (Global Vaccination Plan)
AI-enabled digital consultants to “gather inputs”
Plan to empower the W.H.O. in their efforts giving the health department the jurisdiction for determining pandemic health, emergency action, and regulation that could impose isolation tactics, demand mandate vaccinations. This is how Nazi Germany were able to quarantine certain citizens.
The outline can be found here https://www.un.org/en/un75/common-agenda
Australia boasted of a New World Order. The BIS Is shifting investment and the government is changing from an elected officials to corporate heads. They virtually already have that power leveraging lobbies and finances to the candidate they control.
Klaus Scwab WEF – Globalized world to be managed by multinational corps and orgs. Governments not sufficient alone and call for a new stakeholder paradigm for international governance. Keep in mind Scwab proposed the Great Reset. Will this be the New World Order?
This agenda ties together global economy, digital certificates, Vaccine Passports, and the making for a credit system to determine your eligibility to benefits.
My articles explains how the United Nations is a Luciferian cesspool for doctrines of New Age.
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