Alice in Wonderland Psyop Tactic

The public are not aware of psyop operations, therefore are taken by them.

One particular one called “Alice in Wonderland” is a CIA torture tactic confusion technique on the public to control the narrative through mainstream sources to replace normal with nonsensical illogical conclusions by subjecting them as straightforward, but without presenting actual material facts. And the subject is confused but the subjection is accepted into their paradigm.

The relevant work of Albert Biderman were used in the training of interrogation designed to “break a person’s will, it suffices to deprive him of all human contact, to disorient him, to disrupt his biological rhythms and subject him to great stress… by associated stress, dysfunction, deprivation of sleep, etc, his will is broken.

-KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation (CIA torture guide) dated July 1963

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