Congress has been going through hearings debating the disclosure of what government knows about aliens and UAPs. The case is led by David Grusch, former Intelligence Officer who came out to bring this forward. Several witnesses in the military have come forth as witnesses to admit their experiences when they were active.
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Three witnesses came forward to testify in front of a Congress Oversight committee hearing about the secrecy of government knowing about “non-human” life forms found and their ships. In front of Congress ex-Intel Officer David Grusch told about biologics recovered on these entities that government had over several decades. The Pentagon denied such claims.
Hiding info by the government is not new. However it should be noted that Grusch admits his claims are based on “extensive interviews with high-level intelligence officials” and had not witnessed these entities himself.
David Fravor, a former navy commander, recalled his account of seeing a strange object in the sky while on a training mission in 2004.
Ryan Graves, a retired navy pilot, testified these sightings were not rare or isolated and were being witnessed by military aircrews and commercial pilots. The accuracy of these claims were based on their assessment that these vehicles, called UAPs, acted in unfamiliar behavior not known by methods of military technology at that point. Therefore has concluded their origin other worldly.
Why now to disclose these things? Some consider the government concealing these matters a violation of public transparency. By bringing it forward they demand government disclosure on the topic that should make the public aware of their findings.
However, suspicions rise as to why they choose to make this the issue. What good does it do? For one it can divert the attention from God to space where it cannot be traced of our origin or the reason for our existence; a sort of “contamination” to the bible account. Perhaps a distraction to pose ideas that dismiss the account that God created.
Other possibilities is that this is a spiritual attack on God and that demonic spirits have interfered into our world to pose such alternatives so that it takes people away from God. In many places it has worked as the story of Zechariah Sitchen has become popular with his claims of reading into the Sumerian cylinders. His interpretation tells of this outside universe which gave us life as is translated from the manuscripts. However, Sitchens interpretation is highly subjective, highly questionable, and not the common interpretation. Scholars have discounted his translation as not being of any common agreement.