Cashless Society Due to COVID Pandemic | podcast

Virus and coins

In this episode we look at a couple of related topics. The 2020 Bilderberg meeting postponed. The Federal Reserve warned of coin shortage due to COVID pandemic.

Listen to “Cashless Society Due to COVID Pandemic” on Spreaker.

The 2020 annual meeting of the infamous Bilderberg group was postponed this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions.

For those looking forward to attending this year’s Bilderberg meeting, either in Shadow Government participation or protest infiltration, will have to wait until further notice. It has been postponed. Conspiracy Theorist reports will also delay.

We can speculate the agenda this year would have been COVID-19 success, the affect of planned chaos in America and Europe, economic reset, NWO finalization, and the 2020 election. What else would there be?

The Economy has taken a hit.

CNN – Pandemic cause coin shortage

Hang on to Nickels and Dimes Pandemic caused coin shortage

Planned is a Great Reset

Looks like this will result from a false notion of a shortage that will cycle out the cash for a cashless society.

COVID Pandemic Supports many opportunities

Asymptomatic spreading is rare

Fabricated counts in reported cases inflate numbers

Trump offended at toppling of Albert Pike statue


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