YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

YouTube will use Wikipedia to combat conspiracy theories

March 17, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The YouTube platform will include links to Wikipedia alongside controversial videos in order to discredit Conspiracy Theories and correct “misinformation.” After videos reached top trending of the Florida Shooting exposing interviewee David Hogg as a “Crisis Actor” and accusing him of being an agent of propaganda, YouTube has proceeded on [READ MORE]

Deeper Issue With School Safety

Deeper Issue With School Safety

February 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

School facilities may have a deeper issue than what is publicized on the surface. The media and society are quick to put the focus on the weapon rather than on the person committing the crime. While guns are the weapon of choice, some neglect to realize that these places targeted [READ MORE]

Satanic Temple Banned From Twitter

Satanic Temple Banned From Twitter

January 22, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What caused that controversial group, called the Satanic Temple, to have Twitter suspend the account of its spokesperson Lucien Greaves? For that the co-founder of the group had threatened to sue Twitter for suspending his account when he retweeted a Tweet calling for someone to burn down the church. Does [READ MORE]

6 Media Corporations About to Become 5

6 Media Corporations About to Become 5

December 12, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

As many know, the majority of mainstream media is controlled by only 6 corporations and banking interests. It was almost dwindled down to 5 a couple of years ago when Comcast bid for Time Warner, But that was won out in 2016 by Charter Communication, still remaining the 6 corporations. [READ MORE]

Matt Lauer and the Toxic Environment of Media

Matt Lauer and the Toxic Environment of Media

November 29, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After an employee filed a complaint about “inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace,” Today show host Matt Lauer was fired from the network. Later in the day, Variety published a story containing additional sexual harassment allegations against Lauer. The story cited accounts from three unnamed women, according to CNN. At [READ MORE]

Who Provoked Slavery?

Who Provoked Slavery?

November 20, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Ironic how it seems that the Democrats boast the biggest advocates against slavery and in favor of providing sanctity for Muslims. Yet they were the ones who provoked slavery in 19th century America working with Islamics. And still are. Slavery was going on for thousands of years, in Sumer, in [READ MORE]

Facebook: Social Media Hacking our Brain

Facebook: Social Media Hacking our Brain

November 15, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Facebook President Sean Parker admitted Facebook was developed intending to cause us to become addicted to the social media and be consumed by it. He also stated that Facebook would be used to collect our information. Short of admitting the dangers, he gave us enough to consider Facebook a devious [READ MORE]

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

July 7, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment where a drug-fuelled homosexual orgy was taking place, the public is becoming more and more aware of what goes on behind closed doors of some of the most highly influential officials. Especially a religious Order that is the Mother of the religious [READ MORE]

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

July 1, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently officials have been busy taking down child sex rings. California has arrested a number of clergy and high profile Elitists in a recent sting. And Hollywood has come out and admitted that this is prominent in the Hollywood entertainment scene. Podesta emails opened doors to reveal more behind the [READ MORE]

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

April 30, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

For some time I have been warning that Trump is appeasing both sides. He campaigned that he is a Nationalist and will put America first to “Make America Great Again.” But he has shown another side as he drafted globalists to his administration, such as billionaire son-in-law Jared Kushner, who [READ MORE]