CERN started up again July 5th and we have all sorts of speculations what it means, why they are doing it, and what has come out of it.
July 6 the infamous Georgia Guidestones, which is nicknamed the American Stonehenge, had an explosion knocking down a panel, and the rest was demolitioned. Some say it was done by vandals, others an act of God. Even suspicions CERN did it. We discuss the inscriptions and possible meaning.
Listen to “CERN Recharged, Georgia Guidestones Demolished” on Spreaker.
The Large Hadron Proton Collider, known as CERN, scheduled for July 5th to continue experiments after a several year hiatus due to COVID and other interferences. The site is near Geneva on the Franco Switzerland border.
This time around scientists claim to be looking for three “exotic” particles never before seen by science.
They continue to increase intensity to isolate the matter and see what is between in the “void” that antimatter holds.
The occurrence creates a mini black hole, which scientists hope to hold in motion long enough to get a glimpse with its quantum computer analysis. They intend to see the “glue” that holds matter together, called the “Higgs Boson” particle, nicknamed the “God Particle” ( a mockery of the original statement “goddamn particle.”)
The Georgia Guidestones exploded July 6th when a detonation of some kind took out the top slab making it unsafe. The rest of the structure was taken down by a demotion crew.
The monument stands as a statement to humanity for the cause of nature. By its wording it has the elements of New Age. On it states an optimal population for the balance of nature at 500 million people. Is it suggesting genocide? At least depopulation of some kind.