Plans are in place to use COVID to jumpstart requirements for digital certification in order to participate in the economy.
Mind you this is not necessarily petition that the vaccine is the mark of the Beast. I just don’t know how that will implement. Yet let me alert you to what I found in the BIS protocol.
According to The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) director Agustin Carsten (director) he says the digital currency is to be fully implemented for “Central bank to have full control over currency and determine where you use it.”
An article by Business Insider explains how the Elite (Central Banks) have sped up their efforts to implement the agenda. The BIS is urging central banks to speed up their efforts in developing their own digital currencies while the current financial system is still in place, as they state cryptocurrency is already the reality.
Benoit Coeure, who is head of the BIS Innovation Hub, said central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) should be easy to use, low cost, convertible, offer instant settlements, continuously available and offer a high degree of security, resilience, flexibility and safety.
“The time has passed for central banks to get going,” stated Coeure in a speech at the Eurofi Financial Forum in Ljubljana. “We should roll up our sleeves and accelerate our work on the nitty-gritty of CBDC design.” Coeure still thinks the CBDCs will take years to be rolled out, but urges the financial to make it priority.
Central Bankers (all the Elite Illuminati bloodlines) orchestrated 9/11 as well as the 2008/9 housing crash to stimulate an economic turmoil as to initiate the need for a World Currency (Phoenix in Economist 1988). It is documented in the January 1988 Economist published by the Rothschild Banking dynasty that they plan a World currency reset for 2018 (30 years from the publishing date).
They are running a program for the “Going Direct Reset” to require certification through vaccine passports of transactions for a biometric digital ID using blockchain for cryptocurrency (CBDC). This is associated through investors of Blackrock and Vanguard.
We know a plan for a “Great Reset” Agenda was declared by the WEF under Klaus Schwab. Would this include Depopulation? The Elite boast of the need to reduce population to manageable numbers (500,000,000 ?).
In the BIS document I found what says you will be declared as “I am therefore I own” to prove your integration of your identify to link with your “digital self” as a CHIMERA (their words). Transhumanism is this plan.
Unless you can prove your digital ID, you will NOT be able to access any of your benefits (I assume digital payment, even Social Security or otherwise) without proof of your certification. What will this mean? A lockout for those not compliant.
This is in lockstep with vaccination through Health claim under the W.H.O. (branch of the Luciferian U.N.)
BIS states:
Sound money is central to our market economy, and it is central banks that are uniquely placed to provide this. If digital currencies are needed, central banks should be the ones to issue them.
To also remind you of the WIPO World Patent issued under Bill Gates and Microsoft for a digital certification of body device to determine your certification under WO2020/o6o6o6
This document “Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates” explains the plan funded by Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation (as well as Blackrock and Vanguard who are at the top of investment).