Christian Ouija Board, the Next Demonic Channeling Deception

Ouiji Board
Notice the similarities with the Angel Talk Board and the Ouiji Board used to summon spirits.

We have all heard about those Satanic boards used to summon demonic spirits known as the Ouija Board. No Christian would think of ever dabbling in anything like this, right? But now something similar has come along for Christians. It is called “The Angels Talk” board. And it is very similar to the Ouija board, only claiming a different purpose. Instead of summoning demonic spirits, the practitioner is enticed to call on angels.

Only one problem. Our relationship is not with angels, but with God Himself through Jesus Christ. God may send one of His servant messengers on His own behalf, but that is not for us to call, or even to command as some consider we have the power to do. And participating in this will likely attract a demonic spirit counterfeiting the anticipated angel.

We do have certain power and authority, but power to command angels, or even summon them, is not one of them. We have to stay within or provision of jurisdiction or results will only be counterfeits.

There are boundaries of jurisdiction set. We have the power of the Holy Spirit to cast out spirits. We don’t have jurisdiction to cast out Satan, as many do. Nor to command angels. When Joshua faced the enemy, it was not he who had the power to command, but the Commander of the hosts of heaven (Joshua 5:13-15). Daniel had not the power over the Prince of Persia, nor of the command of angels to defeat him, but regarded the angel who had acted on his behalf and needed the assistance of Michael. We don’t command angels, but we have relationship with the Father who can put in place His servants on our behalf. Our relationship is with God. We do have authority of discerning and spiritual warfare in casting out spirits and healing and such. Maybe some should cast out the spirits influencing Christians to use this Christian Ouija board.

This product may not be in publishing as it is available used at this time.

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