The Elite make statements that they want to collapse the Industrialized civilization, but is that truly what they desire? The Industrial Revolution in the 1800s until now has developed into manufacturing, surely they don’t wish to send us back to the stone age. But what they may actually mean is that they want to reset it.
Listen to “Collapse of the Industrialized Civilization” on Spreaker.
The WEF has stated its desire to revamp the Industrialized world. Maurice Strong, Director of Environmentalism at the United Nations, who also hosted the Agenda 21 policies, had made it clear they intend on equalizing the slate across the globe so that one nation isn’t dominant in the world for production.
What WEF director Klaus Schwab wants is a Great Reset to redefine the transactions of citizens, the means in which we receive goods, and how we live. Their own trailer states very clearly “You will not own anything, you will not have privacy, but you will be happy.” This mantra is more of a mind control Communist conditioning than it is a suggestion how to conduct ourselves. Looking at the elements it describes Communism where the State owns everything, they insist on complete monitoring and corralling citizens into communes or camps, and insisting you will like it or else.
Can they get away with it? If people don’t resist they may. All they need is a majority of sheep to carry it out. I think they have that.