Communism is more than an political ideology. It is a Luciferian agenda with specific goals that gradually will strip the public of its cultural influences.
45 goals have been identified that outline an agenda of Communism in America and has been entered into Congress in 1963 by a representative, Hon. Herlong Jr of Florida in the House of Representative. It had been exposed previously in a book called, The Naked communist,” by Cleon Skousen.
These goals, which mirror the Communist Manifesto made popular under Karl Marx, are destructive towards family and especially God as they deviate from Godly values to State values of immorality and ungodliness.
Its goals mention getting control over the education system and making the need for free public education. That way it can get control over teachers’ associations and use education as a transmission to indoctrinate Socialism and Communist propaganda. And includes gaining control of student newspapers, key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
Also to breakdown cultural standards or morality to promote pornography, obscenities in various media formats and entertainment. To present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” That will discredit the family as an institution. Thus can emphasize the need to raise children away from the influence of parents.
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.” Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
These goals would take away the godly heritage influenced over people. Their real intention is to strip away the faith and the morality derived from it that exposes their evil deeds.
According to Skousen’s book, he stated that Communists admit hating Christianity and Christians because they stand in the way of their desograting society. And their awareness and influence contradicts the sinister plot they have against humanity. They are scoundrels, wolves in sheeps clothing set out to destroy society and rebuild it in their own liking. this for control. And to usher in Luciferian doctrine that gives the Elite honor as gods. To rule under their god Lucifer.
Every one of the goals is a step towards this effort. By hijacking education, they are able to indoctrinate students. As had been done through the Ford Foundation , which admitted their goal was to change the mindset of culture and national sovereignty to globalism.
By controlling streams of information that we have witnessed with the “fake news” networks. And obvious a false narrative fed to the public. Now only 6 Corporations owns 99% of mainstream media. The CEO’s work through the CFR and Bilderberg groups and answer to the CIA (Operation Mockingbird) to screen info that goes out to the public.
The culture has thus changed. An influence of “sex, drugs, rock and roll” altered society towards “free sex.” Breaking down the family unit. And introducing promiscuity, freedoms of sexual experimentation, and witchcraft.
The Christian faith has been threatened. Not just by infiltrators and false prophets, but also by new discoveries that supposedly cause reason to question the credibility of the faith, of believers, and of their foundational documents. This is enough to discredit the Bible and lead some away. Or push them to other gospels. Even other beliefs.
Those who remain faithful will not be taken to and fro by every wind of doctrine. And they expect resistance from the opposition. Others persuaded by these fabrications to discredit will further use it to confirm their disbelief. They already planned on not believing anyway. Only this gives them a sense of justification for their decision.