Rule 41 has been extended to include provisions for governmental agencies to access your computer if it has reason. And the reasons are quite alarming that give them permission without a warrant. Find out how the FBI can hack your computer legally without your knowing.
Rule 41 is a ruling that Gives FBI Access to your computer
From Electronic Frontier Foundation
With Rule 41, Little-Known Committee Proposes to Grant New Hacking Powers to the Government
The government hacking into phones and seizing computers remotely? According to a proposal from an advisory committee on criminal rules for the Judicial Conference of the United States. The amendment would update Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, creating a sweeping expansion of law enforcement’s ability to engage in hacking and surveillance.
Rule 41 creates new avenues for government hacking that were never approved by Congress. The proposal would grant a judge the ability to issue a warrant to remotely access, search, seize, or copy data relevant to a crime when a computer was using privacy-protective tools to safeguard one’s location, when “the district where the media or information is located has been concealed through technological means” or when the media are on protected computers that have been “damaged without authorization and are located in five or more districts.” It would grant this authority to any judge in any district where activities related to the crime may have occurred.
This rule may implicate those who use technology to shield their privacy, or who choose to obscure their location data for smartphone apps, or those who change their country settings in an online service.
It also would grant authorization to a judge to issue a search warrant for hacking, seizing, or otherwise infiltrating computers that may be part of a botnet.
Loophole of Infection
If a computer is violated by an infected malware that is used to contribute to a botnet, then government agents are given free rein to remotely access their computers as part of the investigation, causing more harm to a computer through remote access than the malware that originally infected the computer.
Malicious actors may even be able to hijack the malware the government uses to infiltrate botnets, because the government often doesn’t design its malware securely. Government access to the computers of botnet victims also raises serious privacy concerns, as a wide range of sensitive, unrelated personal data could well be accessed during the investigation.
Rule 41 proposal extends beyond U.S. borders. This update expands the jurisdiction of judges to cover any computer user in the world who is using technology to protect their location privacy or is unwittingly part of a botnet. People both inside and outside of the United States should be equally concerned about this proposal.
This change to Rule 41 expands the hacking capabilities of the United States government without any discussion or public debate by elected officials.
What do innocent citizens have to worry about?
Nothing… if there is nothing suspicious they do that the government would want to explore. But as soon as person is questionable, needs to be accessed, or has anything the government needs, they can feel free to access the data collected on that individual to sift through for details.
The Deep State Shadow Government
There are at least two layers of Shadow Government. One is referred to as the COG or Continuity of Government, which is made up of unelected individuals who have been appointed to run the government in the event of a “catastrophe.” The COG lurks as a hiding phantom waiting for the right circumstances—a terrorist attack, a natural disaster, an economic meltdown—to bring it out of the shadows.
But it is a second that is even more devious. This one is referred to as the “The 7th Floor Group” and is considered the Deep State.
So who or what is the Deep State?
It’s the militarized police, which have joined forces with state and federal law enforcement agencies in order to establish themselves as a standing army. It’s the “fusion centers” aka FEMA and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. And such legislation as the NDAA, which allows government interrogation and access without Due Process.
Agencies as the FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice Dept, State Department, DoD, Homeland Security, even the Treasury Dept. As well as Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, federal trial courts, and members of defense and Intelligence committees.
Domestic surveillance has ramped up. The NSA have a $11 billion black ops annual budget. They will continue to monitor every citizen who uses a computer or phone, tracking our behavior. Listening personally? Perhaps. You never know. But surely are monitoring algorithms of certain target words that trip alert. Even some local police now have software and technology to do the same.
NDAA Amendment
The passage of the NDAA is an annual event. However, some new provisions can be hidden within the defense-spending bill that could further limit citizens of rights and give over-reaching government more power.
During the holiday President Obama quietly signed 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law, which authorizes $611 billion in military spending for 2017.
This year’s a provision was signed, called the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016, essentially creates a de facto U.S. Ministry of Truth. The corporate mainstream media, aside from cursory reporting on the passage of the defense-spending bill, has generally failed to report on the implications resulting from the included provisions as to keep Americans in the dark about the Information War being waged on them by their own government.
H.R. 5181 would task the Secretary of State with coordinating the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to “establish a Center for Information Analysis and Response,” which will pinpoint sources of disinformation, analyze data, and ‘develop and disseminate’ “fact-based narratives” to counter effrontery propaganda.
But what this will mean is that the government can determine that a source is false and can further investigate. This has been further sparked by the accusation of alternative media as “fake news.”
This leads to a defining of authorized information, which happens to meet the criteria of the official narrative of mainstream media, making anything contrary to it labeled “propaganda.” Means that government has more informational control as informational gatekeepers, along with their authorized agents, and crack down on that which opposes the official narrative. And anyone using that info violates standards that allow the created U.S. Ministry of Truth to label it “foreign propaganda.” In other words, the government will now be the arbiter of truth, backed by the force of the law.
This is reversing the culprit and definition of propaganda. It would be government that is the propagandists under these terms and not those who investigate and inform beyond the control of the Establishment.
Facebook Security Monitors
A provision has given jurisdiction for the FBI and other governmental Intelligence agencies to hack into your computer. Rule 41 is an extension allowing the Agency access to your computer if it determines violations.
You will be surprised what constitutes those violations. What you post, type, or search may be considered a flagged subject. And if you happen to attract a Botnet malware infection, your computer may be considered a threat to national security, which makes you a target of the FBI and other Agencies.
My podcast explains the details on Rule 41, and amendments to the NDAA that give Officials the right to question your material as propaganda. Whatever goes against the Official Narrative is considered propaganda by their Ministry of Truth. A bit of a twist of definition, wouldn’t you say?
Hear my podcast that explains this in greater detail.