Darpa and Jason scientists involved in more than technology. Operation Paperclip and Area 51 are just the beginning of secrets that DARPA continues. Experiments on mind control and redirecting like sheep to the slaughter. Psyops on the public to control minds.
In an interview describing DARPA’s omniscient presence Jacobson says that,
“. . .those who follow conspiracy theorists probably know that the JASON scientists are considered to be right up there with the Illuminati, in terms of, you know people see them as these wizards behind the curtain doing all these bad things. . .”
A deeper investigation into the JASON Group reveals that they may be even more important than the Bilderberg group as far as controlling worldly chaos.
Jacobson goes on to say that she interviewed one of the co-founders of the JASON physicists, Martin Goldberger, who was an adviser to the Pentagon for decades. It is thought that he and other scientists discovered a secret code for the human brain. The implications of this discovery are enormous, considering that DARPA has inserted itself into nearly every aspect of our daily lives.
See full story: DARPA and the JASON scientists – The Pentagon’s maladaptive brain