The recognition of Satan has increased over the past several years. Whether in groups like the “Satanic Temple” which are political in nature only using shock as a threat to Christianity, or the shows and movies in entertainment. The darkness has seemed to gain curiosity and intrigue.
While some believe Satan to be a personification of the idea of antithesis to Christianity, and not an actual deity, others take the name seriously as a title for their master, whom they worship with religious zeal, and honor him in rituals, spell casting, sexual practices, and human sacrifices.
However, Satanism is rising. As well as spiritual darkness. Many more are being abducted and taken as victims of abuse. Some enticed to join rituals, not knowing what they have been subjected to, while others willing participate. Those who have been enticed may have even been targeted as a sacrifice. And then we know of the families of Satanic rituals who have brought up their children in this atmosphere.
Some even in the church do not understand that a battle is at hand. They have been woed asleep by their sleeping Pastor to believe that spiritual warfare is an unnecessary practice. And they want no part of spiritual battle. While only interested in reaping the benefits of blessings from the Lord.
Scripture tells us that we are not ignorant of Satan’s devices. And that we are not to participate, but expose that done in darkness (Ephesians 5:11). And it can be held back, or at least crippled by our actions of authority (Eph 6).
Some have asked that if Jesus has the victory, why should we have to engage. The answer is that Jesus ultimately has the victory, but evil doesn’t surrender and go away because of what Jesus did on the cross. Sorry for those who have been taught that by your dysfunctional churches. He gave US the action as His hands and feet to defeat the enemy and hold Him back. In the meantime rescuing some from the pit of hell, and others from the hopelessness of being victimized. YES Jesus conquered death. And He has given us the victory. That is the reason we have power over evil and can recover from the attacks of the Evil one. It doesn’t mean evil doesn’t exist. But when we are present, we have been given authority to react and disable the darkness.
Some think that by bringing up the occult subjects we are empowering them. GIVE ME A BREAK. It has been active since the Garden. Some of the Fallen Angels and demonic entities may have been chained, but still operate in their confines, especially when given permissive will by the subject. And there is a time the power of darkness will again come upon earth in a vengeance. We may be seeing that today.
So Ignore it? Fear it as some do? Deny it exists so it will be tricked and go away? In the meantime so much goes on in shadows and people are victimized. Do you care about victims of SRA? Just don’t be ignorant.
The church has neglected its job and pretends that evil doesn’t exist. It has become weak and lame. But we have a duty. Engagement may not be for everyone, but do not come against those who do. Or YOU may be accused of being a worker of Satan to get us off his tail.
We have likely heard of spirit channeling, right? Well, they are portals to invoke a spirit. While spirits can be “summoned,” we do not control them. They use us to call them into our dimension to operate. Since they require willing candidates, they in turn give supernatural power or gifts. Spirits can “portal” through as we offer them a host. We do that by participating in things that they are controlling, such as music used by occult power, occult practices, spell-casting techniques, demonic activity, dabbling in the occult, items that are cherished (obsessively), even things we watch on TV, listen to, and put ourselves subjective to can become channels.
However, we have the victory to overcome evil as we trust in Jesus Christ. If you know Jesus, you have the authority. Sometimes demonic spirituals will kick back, because they know the name of Jesus, but want to disable you by making you question your spiritual authority. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. But we need to exercize our authority. It has been granted by Jesus to use His name to cast our demons. So we have weapons in our possession.