Global Agenda and Policies of the Elite for World Government

Global Agenda and Policies of the Elite for World Government

Elite behind the scenes have been working diligently to conquest the nations of the world under their Oligarchy Centralized World Government. They use wars, policies, and class warfare to get the job completed.Their political polices work as causes, but actually are tactics to gain compliance of citizens right under their nose.

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The United States passed a military jurisdiction that allows using lethal force on non compliance. The U.N. discussed at the 2024 Summit that they have the consensus of the world to continue their activity and close gaps in global governance in “Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow” (Build Back Better, Great Reset, etc) in a Central World Government.

The U.N. signed a covenant with the nations on Oct. 2nd called “a pact for the future”.

We look at their intent, their tactics, and name some of the recent players who are involved in this implementation. Although the facade of names are those we recognize, probably most of the Elite planning global government are not usually named.

Luciferian Doctrine

Policies of the United Nations seem to coincide with New Age Luciferian doctrine, what I call doctrine of demons. They look to bring us all into a spiritual utopia where the Elite are masters. I have proven this over and over by connecting their documents with New Age literature, namely that of Lucis Trust (aka Lucifer Publishing) that proves they have an agenda for world transformation. Several U.N. directors were members of the Theosophical Society and Lucis Trust.

Weather Modification

Some suspect that even the hurricanes facing the United States has reason to believe they could have been manufactured. Why? I don’t know. Maybe just to test us, maybe to over stress the south. But this is not unheard of as the government has many weather manipulation devices to choose as well as the infamous HAARP working on weather modifications.

Our government experimented with cloud seeding to prevent or CAUSE hurricanes. Operation Popeye assisted in torrential downpours during Vietnam. So we know for fact they are capable. The episode didn’t focus on this one point, so we didn’t get into weather modification.

NOAA article

Suspicions of manufacturing weather conditions

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