Trump Assassination Attempt Conspiracy

Trump Assassination Attempt Conspiracy

July 20, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After Trump had an attempt on his life at a rally, we note several inconsistencies with the official narrative. The gunman was in the sight of Secret Service who failed to prevent the act. Security were warned ahead as spectators tried alerting them to it. The gunman had been with [READ MORE]

Desecration of Independence | podcast

Desecration of Independence | podcast

July 6, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Globalists admit they want a Centralized Central NWO government. The tendency for them to use the ideology of Democrats shows in the policies. During the debate Biden admitted he is against the civil rights of States in favor of the federal government dictating to the States. This is Socialism. [READ MORE]

War On God’s Creation

War On God’s Creation | podcast

June 29, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Activists have taken on many causes. Some petition for restrictions of certain foods, environment causes, LGBTQrst rights, and others on corrective speech. While these concerns seem merely emotional responses, there seems to be a pattern that attacks the very creation of God. It appears more to me that they are [READ MORE]

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

June 15, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A.I. advancement increases as many of our functions utilize in some way digital technology. A.I. reads and collects data from all digital sources to make evaluations, calculations, and determined scenarios for the purpose of what it was developed. However, many fear that AI will become sentient and develop its own [READ MORE]

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel | podcast

June 8, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports came out about Israel housing a secret facility known as a “Black Site” where it holds and tortures prisoners. These prisoners said to be associates of Hamas and the terrorist organizations actually prove that it could detain Palestinians, as well as medical staff that have NO affiliation with Hamas, [READ MORE]

Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?

Cyber Attack Blackout Coming? | podcast

April 27, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have been getting warnings of an imminent cyber attack from China or Russia or who knows where. They claim the grid will go down resulting in a major blackout and millions will die. Listen to “Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?” on Spreaker. Now I don’t know if its that dramatic, [READ MORE]

What is this Red Heifer? | podcast

What is this Red Heifer? | podcast

April 27, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We keep hearing about the expectation of this “red heifer.” What is this red heifer and where does it come from? We find it in one verse in scripture Numbers 19:2 and that’s about it. There was an ordinance to produce such an offering to cleanse the people. Yet many [READ MORE]

Bank Crisis Facade | podcast

Bank Crisis Facade | podcast

March 16, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we pull back the curtain on the banking system and expose the wizard for what he is. We hear threats of an economic collapse, of a banking fallout, of a bank crisis. Is any of that true? We will reveal the truth of the banking crisis and [READ MORE]

Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

February 24, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Some have been so fired up that they attack, accuse, and shame rather than inform. They become cold, bitter, cynical. Who am I talking about? Some even in the Truther Community have become so upset or fearful it made them violent. Their words are filled with smoke and fire and [READ MORE]

Epstein Files Released

Epstein Files Released

January 13, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have to address the disclosed Epstein files that were just released. More were unsealed as we get a deeper glimpse into the list of names that come up in this new public release. Some we are not surprised, others may shock you. These are from lists that we borrowed [READ MORE]