Now in the hands of Trump, after many suspicions, he lays out some of his plans to counteract the past four years. Will it be enough? Will it be a Trojan horse for something worse? We have to wait and see.
The first term of Trump was an enigma.
Some adored this “anti-Establishment” non-politician to take center stage for leading our country. He did accomplish many things Conservatives, Christians, even truthers would agree. However at the same time in the background several suspicions also lingered. We waited if this was a Trojan horse ready to pounce. But certainly the roads divided, even in the Truther Community. Along with Q some believed the take down of the Deep State was inevitable. The hard Truthers kept a distance thinking it all a ploy to capture the loyalty of the Community. Either way it left a chasm of divide further hindering the cause. His cabinet were corporate members, and he still rubbed shoulder with Elite, and members of the CFR, which are far from being anti-Establishment.
As I reported, I cautioned of things I suspected, at the same time alerted to policies agreed. Because of my unbiased position I had campaigns set against me as a “Controlled Opposition.” They accused me of being a closet Trump fanatic (which I was not) and secretly touting Trump behind the scenes. Heck, some pegged me as a paid agent of Trump. I have yet to receive my paycheck if that was the case.
Many suspected the world coming to an end and he would rise up as Antichrist. His infatuation with Zionists, having Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner at the advisor table, he leaned towards Israel and in support of the Noahide Laws. Kushner of course a Kabbalist, and Ivanka as a converted Jew, we thought it would escalate into something devastating for Christians. The Noahide laws support the Talmud of the Sanhedrin Council and have much to say about eradicating the ones who worship a false god. Of course Jesus is the subject of that target. They loathe Jesus. Trump admitted in his biography that he was a trained Kabbalist, so we awaited the hammer to fall.
It never happened that way of course, However, representatives of Israel had a voice in the White House which could have turned out that way. As a result Israel honored Trump with a coin in his name, as well as awarding his attribution for the Abraham Accord, and recently dubbed him “Prince of Peace” with Israel.
Trump did contribute to a few other things as well. He fast-paced the vaccine to get into the hands of the public through his “Warp Speed” program, yet did not mandate those vaccines. He was against mandates. He also prevented a government declaration of Martial Law by not giving in to the pressures of departments, even kicking them out of the Oval Office at times (I had an insider in those meetings at the time, so this is my own information).
The second term would be just as much an enigma.
This time around the Truthers have targeted Trump as the Antichrist. Now in a no holds barred position he is going guns blazing. This President, as well as any, could be in a position of an antichrist. I expressed that in a past podcast.
Listen to “President is Antichrist?” on Spreaker.
Since trump is in the position of power, some think as the Antichrist will come from the West, Trump stands a chance. But anyone opposing Christ stands as chance. And any leader will be suspected as such. Yes, the Bible has certain qualities this person holds, but I’m not sure the interpretation calls for an end time character titled The Antichrist, as much as the system in which that person holds. What about the descriptions (like not desiring women or forsaking the god of his fathers)? We’ll have to see what that means. It could have pointed to someone of the Jews. I’m not a good eschatology expert.
Again we await that Trojan Horse possibility. While at the same time we would agree with those things Trump declared. In this podcast I expressed those statements made.
Listen to “Polarizing Policies of Trump” on Spreaker.
- End government waste
- Call out the corrupt rogue actors
- Prevent targeting of Conservatives and Christians in the media
- Question the transgender agenda and set forth penalty to pharma who contributes
- Bring back God and Christianity in America and uphold the Bible
Who wouldn’t want any of that? Many Conservatives, Christians, even truthers could agree with some of Trump’s initial intentions stated. Of course some point out cautions like which god is he referring as he worships a different god. Also what Christianity will he uphold, that of Christians, or that of Gnostics? We could have those questions, but as what he declares, leaves little wriggle room for pushing out true Christianity. In essence even if he was introducing the Gnostic set, it still gives Christian leverage to uphold the true faith, so I don’t have much to grieve on that account.
In the founding of America the Gnostics (Freemasons and such) were forced to consider the preferences of the Christians already settled, therefore the laws were based upon the Bible principles. Yes, Gnostics have many double meanings, but it still gave a foundation for our ethics here in America. They may have steered Christians off in a different direction, which was unfortunate, but to emphasize that again is not a further deviation, but more a revival of the foundation that gives Christians a chance to once again grasp the concepts and re-declare the land theirs. Could this lead to a false peace? I don’t think so since the Liberals and Democrats have gone nuts and remain undivided, something NOT characteristic of a try to get peace.
Trump names his controversial cabinet
The choices Trump picked also come under suspicion by Conspiracy Theorists. He choice of VP already gave hesitation as JD Vance recently was discovered as having mentorship from the Bilderberg Group. Other cabinet members are Elite in their field, or those in high profile circles. However some are just random Congressional members having no conspiratorial ties, so I don’t know.
Listen to “Extra episode: Trump’s Cabinet of Players – what will it mean?” on Spreaker.
His U.N. Ambassador is someone from my area, Elise Stefanik, who has been vocal in Upstate NY about bringing back conservative values. How she managed to get such a position in being a spokesperson for the United States before the United Nations council, I am not sure. Trump must had seen some potential in her.
One noted choice is Robert F Kennedy Jr who will lead the Health and Human Services Department. Kennedy had been vocal about his suspicions on Big Pharma including skepticism of the vaccines. He also vows to rid drinking water of fluoride, something of concern of Truthers. However, Kennedy is also a pro-abortion guy. This leaves question to his integrity of the position.
Naming Marco Rubio Secretary of State came as a surprise after so much tension between the two. Rubio has co-sponsored legislation last year that would prohibit a president from exiting NATO without congressional approval. Rubio would be the first Latino to hold the position, which is subject to Senate confirmation.
Some warn that Trump pulling these people from Congressional positions currently held by Republicans leaves a possibility of putting more Liberal players in those positions, leveraging Congress back towards the Left.
Trump declared a new department, the Department of govt Efficiency, which he proposed putting Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy in charge of. This is the most controversial position because what will it entail? They are to make changes to the Federal Bureaucracy with an eye on efficiency,” including through spending and regulatory cuts. They will clean house of all government waste. But do they have that power? Maybe they will just report it and make it public to call it out, but Congress would need to do anything if it is to be cut.
Elon is the developer of several technologies to do with Transhumanism, so his name doesn’t sit well with many. He announced brain interface technology allowing thoughts to interact with the computer. Also a proponent of AI, which gives enough caution for concern.
If I understand it, Trump’s choices STILL have to be approved by Congress, something that may have a different look when all said and done. In the past, Presidents offered names had to turn them down knowing none were “on the list”. Will Trump’s choices be “on the list”? If so it proves this list has Oligarchy control all over it.
Or will the Elite yield to Trump’s choices knowing they already have plans to “take him out?” However, that would lead to the position of other Trump choices, The only way that would benefit is if those other choices were plants by the Establishment to take those positions upon this crisis.
In the least the term should be interesting, with many suspicions, much drama, a bit of entertainment, and accusations that will probably further divide and put the Truther Community in a suspended polarization of hindering them of any value.