Operation Paperclip was a United States government recruitment of Nazi scientists for the purpose of using their expertise of human experiments so the U.S. under the CIA could continue testing live humans. These scientists under Hitler would do evil experiments on live humans and test their results of when the brain fragmented, when it snapped, and upon how much pressure a human could take before facing death. The acts upon which the victims were under should be considered unethical, inhumane, pure evil. The agency developed trauma-based mind control, torture tactics, fragmenting the mind to carry out certain tasks even against the ethics of the participant.
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Operation Paperclip recruited Nazi scientists to the United States for further experiments. While claimed to keep them from Russia the U.S. took masters of the Nazi mind control experiments which conducted research from live humans in the event who underwent torture, trauma, and abuse.
Our government recruited and in some cases released German Nazi scientists from the Nuremberg prisons to use their knowledge for the United States. Some say we took the best Nazis so Russia wouldn’t get them, but we took about 1600 of them and gave their most evil scientists refuge to continue experiments that started in Germany. Others went to Argentina, Canada, and Russia.
Named primarily were Werner Von Braun who studied rocketry, Dr Kurt Blome conducting biological warfare, Walter Schieber General Surgeon for Hitler’s Third Reich who mastered at vaccines and was convicted at the Nuremberg trials. U.S. officers grabbed him right out of imprisonment for his expertise.
First exposed in the late 1980s upon a FOIA request by journalist Linda Hunt who came across the operation. Upon receiving the information the government slapped her with a $120,000 charge for cost of copies as a penalty.
These bad dudes merged with military and eventually continued their research under the CIA in the United States.
The project was called Operation Bluebird, then Operation Artichoke before hiding under the covert name MK Ultra. MK continued using experimental methods and live humans. While claiming they used “volunteers,” many of these victims had no idea they were under experimentation. Some were deprived of sleep, others faced trauma abuse, some fed drugs then studied.
MK Ultra was revealed and supposedly shut down in the mid 1960s. The documents were disclosed in 1975, but all the evidence, research, documents, etc were destroyed, so no one could make the case of the horrific things done to humans. However, evidence did leak and some came forth to acknowledge that MK Ultra used live humans, some off the street, college kids with its acid tests, and others during prostitution setups.
However, MK Ultra didn’t really just disappear. Its research advanced and merged into another called Monarch Programming.