Many believe it is our duty to bring converts into the kingdom of God. We are told to declare the word and testify what we witnessed. And give an answer as to the hope in us. But we do not do the converting. One waters, another plants, but it is God who brings the increase. And not all we expect will come in.
Statistically speaking Jesus told us only few will come. The gate is narrow. Few enter through the narrow gate. But we tend to widen it to make easier access. However, at their own peril. Why do I say that? Think of it like with a school test that has a curved score. By lowering the bar we lower the standard, thus not giving the peeson the aptitude to qualify. Therefore are not giving them the proper measure.
We must have truth. We must preqch righteousness. We have grace, but it is only enough to prevent us from bitterness or condemnation. Their decision cannot be accessible by simple reciting of a sinner’s prayer. Nor by forcing a decision. It has to be given by faith as their heart is moved by God to believe.
Our task is to make aware, provide the means, and give our testimony. To be a witness of what we know. Cannot argue anyone in the faith.