Illuminati Media Control for Globalism | podcast

newspapers hidden eye

In this episode we explain how the Illuminati strategically took over the streams of information of society to infiltrate and indoctrinate citizens. From the original plan of Adam Weishupt to confiscate libraries and booksellers, to modern media, we share the progressive steps towards indoctrinating the New World Order.

Adam Weishaupt said:

“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Free Masonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.”

“Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Free Masonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our hands. By establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we may turn the public mind which way we will. In like manner we must try to obtain an influence in the military academies (this may be of mighty consequence) the printing-houses, booksellers shops, chapters, and in short in all offices which have any effect, either in forming, or in managing, or even in directing the mind of man: painting and engraving are highly worth our care.”

“We get all the literary journals. We take care, by well-timed pieces, to make the citizens and the Princes a little more noticed for certain little slips.”

Literary media and the control of information is controlled. May include print media, newspapers, journals, textbooks, literature, and fiction with ideologies and philosophies influenced through stories. All to reach the subconscious and get the emotional connection with the citizen. Then to use it to steer the reader any which way.

John Robison and Abbe Barruel explain this as a philosophical conspiracy, one that is radically aimed at abusing Freemasonry for the takeover of the network, to form a systematic conspiracy against Christianity.

Especially led by agents Voltaire and Diderot, they published encyclopedias for information emphasizing science only, with facts of historical influence that omit a Christian influence or reason. They hired an army of writers, pushed their writings into every house and cottage to inflame the sensual appetites of men and for perverting their judgments. Gaining the command of schools of the lower classes and erecting circulating libraries and reading societies.

But their project was to destroy Christianity and all Religion, and to bring about a total change of Government. They employed writers to compose corrupting and impious books–these were revised by the Society, and corrected till they suited their purpose. A number were printed in a handsome manner, to defray the expence; and then a much greater number were printed in the cheapest form possible, and given for nothing, or at very low prices, to hawkers and pedlars, with injunctions to distribute them secretly through the cities and villages. They even hired persons to read them to conventicles of those who had not learned to read.

Agents were found talking with people in the coffee-houses, public libraries, by subscription, and measure what was passing as learning, and forming societies for reading and instruction, which should be regularly supplied with every publication.

This is surely a strong instance of the machinations by which the Illuminati have attempted to destroy the Liberty of the Press, and the power they have to discourage or suppress any thing that is not agreeable to the taste of their narrative.

Of course in today’s age we can extend that to social media and written messages, as well as radio, television, and the screen. News reports in the form of propaganda and activism, controlled information that is fed to the public and believed as presented as fact and detail.

Yet the detail is skewed, slanted, and leaned towards a desired narrative, away from conspiracy. Even if possible fabricated by taking the slight bit of truth and altering it to fit a narrative.

News feeds run by Associated Press and Reuters, both controlled by the Rothschild interests. CIA Operation Mockingbird that made an agreement between them and media owners and their CEO heads, to screen material and accept their input.

Ownership of media from 1800 to a few hundred, now the majority of media owned and controlled by 5 Corporations, controlled by the banks. (6 if count News Corp as an individual entity of Murdock)

Media journalists no longer investigative, but now activist being controlled towards the proper narrative through briefings by agency heads.

[Pawns in the Game]

Illuminati to do the following things to help them accomplish their purpose.

(1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of people already occupying positions in high places in the various levels of ALL governments and other fields of human endeavour. Once an influential person had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail and threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm and even death to themselves and their loved ones.

(2) Illuminati on the faculties of colleges and universities were to recommend students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well bred families with international leanings for special training in internationalism. This training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected. They were to be educated (indoctrinated) into accepting the ‘Idea’ that only a One World Government can put an end to recurring wars and tribulations. They were to be at first persuaded and then convinced that men of special ability and brains had the RIGHT to rule those less gifted, because the Goyim (masses of the people) don’t know what is best for them physically, mentally and spiritually.

(3) Influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, and students who had been specially educated and trained were to be used as agentur and placed behind the scenes of ALL governments as “Experts” and “Specialists” so they could advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long run, serve the secret plans of the One Worlders and bring about the ultimate destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

(4) The Illuminati were to obtain control of the Press and all other agencies which distribute information to the public. News and information was to be slanted so that the Goyim would come to believe that a One World Government is the ONLY solution to our many and varied problems.

Norman Dodd and his account as a Director of the Reese Committee to oversee non-profit Foundations to assure they are complying with the American values. He had found by his secretary that she found documents admitting a plot to use war, WWI and WWII to direct the US towards a globalist mindset. Rowen Gaither director of the Ford Foundation admitted to Dodd that was their intention and that of the Foundations to use their grant-writing powers of the directives to direct students towards that globalist mindset using education.


Col House had connections with British agents. He and his American and European cohorts hoped that war would create enough crisis that it would ignite the need for a New World Order. Colonel House hand picked the majority of President Woodrow Wilson’s cabinet. House devised the need for war by manipulating Woodrow Wilson.

What it appears is that Wilson was merely a puppet of House’s control. World War I was an opportunity to make the case for it. According to Walter Mills [in Road to War: America, 1914-1917] Colonel House admitted the sole justification for preparing such a bath of blood for his countrymen was his hope of establishing a new world order of peace and security as a result.

It was said Colonel House had a hypnotizing quality. Some even described it as mystical. It was commented that House would come up to someone and say words quietly. Then after he left it would leave an impression on the person, who would suddenly be struck with a good idea. That idea would infectiously be spread to others and acted upon before realizing it came from the influence of the Colonel’s own ideas. Likely it was House who was behind the influence of both anyway. [Smith, Arthur D. Howden. The Real Colonel House, George H Doran Co. New York, 1918, pp. 120-21]

What House described was conspiracy regarding his true intentions. House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate “itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs.” He admitted what we see today that elections were to become a mere charade conducted to give perception. The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World Government. This would be a New World Order. [Allen, None Dare Call it Conspiracy]

Woodrow Wilson hoped a global vision would result from the war and proposed a “League of Nations” reflecting world unity from his Fourteen-Point Plan. [Robertson, NWO pp. 44-45,51] However, Congress rejected it in the wake of WWI for fear it would require surrender of national sovereignty. The U.S. Congress was not ready for it. Neither would be the people. Not unless conditions were right that made a case to require it.

In 1919 House met in Paris with members of a British “secret society” called The Round Table in order to form an organization whose job it would be to propagandize the citizens of America, England and Western Europe on the glories of World Government. The big selling point, of course, was “peace.” They left out their intentions for One World Government by a global dictator.

House proposed the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that became an organization in 1921. Several bankers got behind the effort to fund the CFR, such as JP Morgan, Warburg, Schiff, and Rockefeller. Morgan’s attorney John Davis became first President of the agency.

According to Carroll Quiggley, the CFR was the American branch of the Illuminati “Round Table” group, an occult organization led by Lord Milner and put together by Cecil Rhode. At least we know it was House who wrote the charter for the American branch of the Round Table to became the CFR. [Stills, Ancient Plan p157] The CFR became a placeholder to secretly transform society to a Socialist mindset through its various sectors. Piece by piece society would be spoon fed the doctrines of the occult One World Government.

Membership of the CFR coincided with membership of other secret groups, which was very important for the credential for success in national politics. Masonic influence was prominent as in 1923 sixty-nine percent of the U.S. House of Representatives, and sixty-three percent of the Senate were Masons. [Fisher, Behind the Lodge Door p246]

Even the church is infected as the model for modern church is Purpose Driven Church by Saddleback Pastor Rick Warren. Rick Warren has been an ongoing member of the CFR for the religious Christian sector. Many Christians have embraced New World Order doctrine, Zionist causes, and the fabricated modern State of Israel as the end time apple of God’s eye.

Great Conspiracy

FDR once said “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” FDR was in position to know. We believe that many of the tragic incidents, the mistakes in politics, the proposing of legislation, even the choosing of candidates by voting, are all controlled and deliberately and strategically planned and anticipated.

Cambridge Analytica, Heritage Foundation used their expertise of psychological study to pick the most influential phrases that would get a rigged Republican win. The candidate to pick up on those lines would be the candidate. Trump became that chosen one, so Ted Cruz had to step aside.

Some have made the point that if we were merely dealing with the law of averages, half of the events affecting our nation’s well-being should be good for America. If we were dealing with mere incompetence, our leaders should occasionally make a mistake in our favor. We shall attempt to prove that we are not really dealing with coincidence or stupidity, but with planning and brilliance. And that with their planning and brilliance how it has shaped the foreign and domestic policies of the last several generations of administrations.

Pawns in the Game:

There are really only two theories of history. Either things happen by accident neither planned nor caused by anybody, or they happen because they are planned and somebody causes them to happen. In reality, it is the accidental theory of history preached in the unhallowed Halls of Ivy which should be ridiculed. Otherwise, why does every recent administration make the same mistakes as the previous ones? Why do they repeat the errors of the past which produce inflation, depressions and war? Why does our State Department “stumble” from one Communist-aiding “blunder” to another? If you believe it is all an accident or the result of mysterious and unexplainable tides of history, you will be regarded as an “intellectual” who understands that we live in a complex world. If you believe that something like 32,496 consecutive coincidences over the past forty years stretches the law of averages a bit, you are a kook!

Professor Quigley discloses:

“I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies … but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.”

Professor Quigley observes:

“… his [the individual’s] freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits.”

It wants control over all natural resources, business, banking and transportation by controlling the governments of the world. In order to accomplish these aims the conspirators have had no qualms about fomenting wars, depressions and hatred. They want a monopoly which would eliminate all competitors and destroy the free’ enterprise system.

Many insiders know of the conspiracy to overtake the system, or maintain control over it.

While this is a system of Luciferian Illuminates, hanging on to the thread of the physical, Jesus Christ will soon return to destroy their works. He are caretakers of His spiritual kingdom, which coincides now with this one on the earth that is corrupt. He will grant His remnant the power to overcome and raise us up out of it as He judges the wicked for their resistance of repentance. And pay them their due reward for their injustice.

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