The mystery and claim of the Kabbalah leads to much confusion. The idea is that Kabbalah proves that those of Secret Societies who regard such must be Jewish since the Jews have the claim of Kabbalah by their rabbis and from the source it claims.
Kabbalah means “to receive and transmit” only to claim a deeper relationship with God. But by what means it does so is what makes it devious. It fuses Judaism with mysticism as a means to entangle the human soul with the divine through sexual encounter, unity with God through the Shekinah. Mysticism and understanding the secret code using the Hebrew as divine characters of revealing the secret message of knowledge is what makes it occult. But on both accounts it is a counterfeit to God.
However, while Kabbalah is claimed to be solely Jewish by many, the root goes way beyond that source which is the attraction to Freemasons, Witches, and practitioners of the occult. So it would be a misnomer to believe everyone who practices Kabbalah is Jewish, or even does so as a conversion to Judaism. However, the Jewish sects surely fueled its influence and further developed the mystic aspect through Judaism.
Judaism is an influence of the Talmud. The oral traditions appeared in writing of the Talmud, called the Mischna, around the second or third century with an added commentary called the Gemara. These two works compose the Jerusalem Talmud, which was revised in the third to the fifth century. A later edition was named the Babylonian Talmud and is the one now in use today. Therefore was influenced by Babylonian mysticism using Jewish tradition by the Rabbis for authenticity claim.
The origin of Kabbalah by Rabbis claims to draw its root from oral tradition descending from Moses who received it for the first time on Mount Sinai and communicated it to the Seventy Elders, by whom it was handed down to David and Solomon, then to Ezra and Nehemiah, and finally to the Rabbis of the early Christian era. According to Fabre d’Olivet, Moses learned the wisdom of the Egyptians drawing from the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries with oral tradition which was handed down through the leaders of the Israelites. Does this make Kabbalah Jewish tradition or Egyptian Mysticism adopted by the Jews?
The Jewish Kabbalah itself supports it by tracing its descent from the patriarchs–Adam, Noah, Enoch, and Abraham–who lived before the Jews as a separate race came into existence. Eliphas Lévi accepts this genealogy, and relates that “the Holy Cabala” was the tradition of the children of Seth carried out of Chaldea by Abraham, who was “the inheritor of the secrets of Enoch and the father of initiation in Israel.”
Freemason Dr. Mackey confirms this acceptance of origin that it drew from children of Seth, of the children of Cain, which descended to the Sabeists, or star-worshippers, of Chaldea, adepts in astrology and necromancy. We know Sorcery and witchcraft had been practiced by the Canaanites before the occupation of Palestine by the Israelites, and that Egypt, India, and Greece also had their soothsayers and diviners. The Jews were warned by God not to contribute to the practices of their neighbors, yet disregarded these warnings and did so. They mingled their sacred tradition with the adopted mysticism of the races around them that contaminated them. But all in all there is justification that Kabbalah is not solely of pure Jewish origin.
For the Jewish flavor, two books were incorporated into tradition; the Sepher Yetzirah and the Zohar. The date of it has been placed between as early as the sixth century before Christ by some, but as late as the tenth century A.D. by others. However, we know early Talmudic Rabbis studied it for its magical purposes proving it earlier than the late dates. The Sepher Yetzirah is also said to be the work referred to in the Koran under the name of the “Book of Abraham.” These are studied by Sunni Muslims for the seeking of the same mystical properties.
The immense compilation known as the Sepher-Ha-Zohar, or Book of Light, is, however, of greater importance to the study of Kabbalan philosophy. According to the Zohar itself, the “Mysteries of Wisdom” were imparted to Adam by God whilst he was still in the Garden of Eden, in the form of a book delivered by the angel Razael. From Adam the book passed on to Seth, then to Enoch, to Noah, to Abraham, and later to Moses, one of its principal exponents.
The first date at which the Zohar is definitely known to have appeared is the end of the thirteenth century, when it was committed to writing by a Spanish Jew, Moses de Leon. Some contend that the Zohar was an instrument of de Leon in more modern times, but regardless its compilation obviously draws from various documents dating from very early times. Adolphe Franck does not hesitate to describe it as “the heart and life of Judaism.”
The Zohar contains the formula for Kabbalah. Its writings are sacred to the Jewish mystic. The moment it became obscured in the Kabbalah is not really known for sure. What we know about the Zorah is that it has supremacy of the Israelite Jews as having part in the future world. In it disregard for the non-Jewish races, calling them “goyim,” a term likening them to as nothing more than human cattle. The Zohar explains that when scripture tells that Yahweh made man, it refers to Israel, and that the Jews from the Supreme Man (God). These Supremacist Jews used their position of being named by God as advantage of their Jewish race to claim superiority over the world that constituted themselves the sole guardians within this nation of the said tradition to have precedence.
The Talmud and Zohar make the case for supremacy of the Jewish practitioners. For some this only gives a cover for the common goal to those who have contempt for Jesus. The Talmud, while denied of this, mentions Jesus and counts Him as a heretic to the Jewish traditions and as a fraud. while at the same time confirms some details about the Savior, such as His true existence, and the fact that Jesus did miracles calling it learned magic. Though they claim his birth was illegitimate that led to His shameful death, and thus they disassociate him calling for denigrating Him and desecrating of His person.
However, for the whole, the adopting of Kabbalah was not an acknowledgment of confirmation of Judaism or conversion to it. Kabbalah, which rooted in ancient mysticism, merely offered an avenue into occult mysticism. Some who seemingly converted to Judaism or took on a cloak of it, did not do so to adopt regard for Judaism as a legitimate culture, but as a means to better understand its principles so they could grasp the mystic principles with deeper insight.
Occultist Abbé Constant used a pseudonym of Eliphas Lévi as a claim of inheritance of Jewish attributes. However, Eliphas was not a Jew. Nor was he a converted one. He merely sought to understand Hebrew and incorporate the Jewish tradition as to gain better insight into Kabbalah and its mystical properties. Many who regard Kabbalah do the same, not to support their Jewish connection, but to adopt the Jewish knowledge for the magical principles into their occult practices and rituals. The Freemason Ragon gives the clue in the words: “The Cabala is the key of the occult sciences.” So many regard Kabbalah as a mysticism in demand. The Jewish aspect is certainly a philosophy incorporating the mystic knowledge converging the Egyptian, Chaldean, Judean, and Greek culture which furnished soil and seeds for that mystic philosophy. The Jewish sects have been ones who wrongly adopted the traditions of the cultures around them in which fused with Judaism.
In the meantime the common enemy of all these is the presence of Jesus Christ into society, and His followers. The persecution may form in the cover of Jewish sects, may be expressed by Talmudic principles and Noahide Law, but is just an easy expressway for its primary purpose, to lead a campaign against Jesus Christ and make a case against Him and those who follow Him. It is not just a Jewish conspiracy. That would be a shortsighted mistake to regard. It is Luciferian, it is demonic, it is Satanic. The leaders of this campaign against Christ are not just Rabbis, they are not just Popes, but is Satan himself. Regardless of the name of the soldiers, be it Jewish or Roman, they are those who intend to trample on the work of Christ for the Luciferian Utopia promised by their Master that Serpent of old, the Dragon, Satan.
Eliphas Lévi, Histoire de la Magie, pp. 46, 105. (Eliphas Lévi was the pseudonym of the celebrated nineteenth-century occultist the Abbé Constant.)
Lexicon of Freemasonry, p. 323.
Ginsburg op. cit. p. 105; Jewish Encyclopædia, article on Cabala.
Gougenot des Mousseaux, Le Juif, le Judaïsms el la Judaïsation des Peuples Chrétiens,
Drach, De l’Harmonie entre l’Église et la Synagogue