Rising singing star Lauren Daigle got her start in Contemporary Christian Music. But now that she’s hitting it big, she no longer identifies as Christian.
When Christian singer Lauren Daigle used her claim of faith to get on the roster of the Contemporary Christian Music scene (CCM), it was fashionable to sing about Jesus and make her way to fame as a Christian artist.
Since her appearance on the Ellen Show, her story has turned and now she has declared that she does not consider herself a Christian artist. Once known CCM artist, Lauren Daigle has now rebranded herself shedding the label of “Christian artist’ to bow to the acceptance into the secular world.
Remember after her appearance, Lauren was asked how she views homosexuality knowing Ellen has come out of the closet during her career to reveal her sexual preference of Lesbianism, and has since been openly public on her show about it. Rather than make a stand or agreement with the Bible, Daigle instead made an excuse that it is not her place to determine that, and that she wasn’t quite sure how the scriptures note such practices and admitted she was ignorant about what the Bible says about it.
However, since the scripture is quite clear in such places as Lev 18, Romans 1:27 to the end, and in 1Cor 6:9, Daigle is proving herself inept to know what God thinks on certain matters, rather to stay in the limelight in a neutral position so that her career is not hindered. Since Ellen, she has appeared on other secular shows as well. Is this a sign that she has fallen, is it just a blindness in her maturity, or was she ever what she claimed to be as a believer in Jesus Christ? That is for her to come to grips with.
Had she simply said she agrees with the Bible, but doesn’t want to argue over the issue as she is intending to just love, that would have maybe been plausible. And if she had merely admitted that she wasn’t intending on getting on the CCM bandwagon, but stumbled there, perhaps that would have been more forthright. But to have been “promoted” as such Christian artist, using the industry to market her recognition, then crossing over, to now abandon it says a lot about her character.
According to the PULPIT & PEN: The Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry and its fans love it, as they look for a genre as close to godlessness as possible, but crossing over into a secular market while still occasionally alluding to Jesus. It sells.
You will see a pattern that when many of these CCM artists crossover and get recognized as worthy artists, they turn on their foundation of faith and make excuses and justifications for cowering to the secular industry and its fans. Or perhaps her heart was not as established n the faith as we thought. Hopefully she will come to her senses and see her woes.
It happens many times with these artists who had aspirations in the Christian market, took the carrot of crossover, and then left behind their faith and their testimony. Jessica Simpson started out as an aspiring CCM star, before getting wrapped up in questionable situations. Bands like Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, Skillet, and POD have gained secular recognition. Of course we remember what happened with Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith over the years of attempting this compromise. Lecrae found mainstream success and has moved on to rap thuggery with some pretty ungodly secular artists, calling himself an “artist who is a Christian, rather than a Christian artist.” Katy Perry aspired to be the next Amy Grant before she changed her name from Katy Hudson, and started as a singer wanting to be a contemporary Christian artist. And even Kirk Franklin has held hands with secular artists to compromise his message.
These artists have to be careful how far they will go for success. The carrot is dangling before them to take them places they never thought were possible, and making the lines blurred where artistry and expression of faith cross. Thinking they are in control to bring the name of Jesus to mainstream, they find the industry has limitations and restrictions that control their very message they thought they would be able to tell. And eventually it changes to what the industry molds them into. Even Chris Tomlin and Kari Jobe of Hillsong have both been candidates for Grammys and accepted secular reward for their contribution. Fellowship with the world is enmity against God. How long before the company you keep becomes you? The industry is not for the Christian, but to exploit it for their purpose. And they control ALL artists, Christian or not, who enter into this den of devils.