In this episode the panel discusses opening portals of spiritual consequences. Scientists have hinted to such intent as CERN director Sergio Bertolucci admits something from that world may come through into ours as they open a portal. New Agers using channeling to “summon” spiritual wise ones as they seek guidance from the Ascended Masters. And performers become possessed with the spirit of their alter personification. This relates to aliens as we question whether these beings are humanoids from other planets, spiritual Fallen Angels, or Nephilim of hybrid creatures entering our atmosphere either through inter-dimensional portals, or by finding an opening into our space. There are many ways to open a portal. Have you unwittingly done so yourself?
CERN technology hints at the scientists’ intent to open portals into dimensions. What they mean by it has to do with quantum and parallel universes. But director Sergio Bertolucci admits opening a portal something from that side may come through to ours. This is tapping into a spiritual dimension. Perhaps even an inter-dimensional realm to channel spirit entities.
New Age channels spirits, which is being a conduit for demonic spirits. Ways of opening the portal to invitation.
We wonder if aliens are inter0-dimensional beings, even demonic spirits or Nephilim.
Technological and spiritual means of opening portals may be a channel to demonic spirits.