Another Pretribulation Rapture Prediction has passed. Did you miss it? We explain why setting dates is erroneous. Also mention the 9/11 incident. Trump is being regarded as King Cyrus by Christian leaders. Is he the one leading America to prosperity and Israel to promise? Why is trusting government dangerous? we discuss why government shouldn’t be relied upon, but only Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Zealous prophets have yet made another attempt to predict the date that the Rapture of the Church would occur. September 11, 2018 was the date supposed by some. Likely to coincide with the Feast of Trumpets season as written in scripture as one of the Feast Days (or times). Yet it went past without incident. The last such predictions was Sept 23, 2017 when the planets aligned and was prophesied to fulfill an interpretation of Revelation 12. If people keep making predictions, perhaps ONE day it will hit. Until then, continue to occupy, do your rightful duty, and trust in Jesus Christ and not in man.
Speaking of not trusting in man, many are telling me that we MUST follow behind this President Trump because God sent him as a modern day Cyrus. Since Cyrus the Persian helped protect Israel while they built the temple, some are equating Trump with the character of Cyrus, primarily because he seems to be friendly to Christians and their values, but also because he is supportive of Israel. However, this Israel is the Rothschild, Jesuit, Freemasonic Zionist created Israel. Is that how God will manifest it? Many residing are not even bloodline Jews. So the Jews in Israel are converts, but not true descendants of Israel, the son of Isaac. So I question if the scenario is a counterfeit. The Israel of God are the nation (ethos) of believers, first the Jew then the Gentile, who come to Messiah and believe in the fulfillment. The Jewish people, those who accepted Messiah, are in the fulfillment of the promise, now ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. And also the Gentiles who are grafted in share this fulfillment that is spiritual Israel. The nation prophesied to Abraham has been identified. No physical boundaries, but a spiritual people who are born under the promise of faith.
We also touch on the 9/11 incident and explain a few suspicious questions and things that would question the official narrative of what happened when two planes allegedly hit the twin towers and toppled them to the ground in their own footprint, looking like a controlled demolition. And we also bring up WTC Building 7 that had not been hit, yet toppled in the same manner. Hmmmm.