In this episode we explore how evil has progressed through the ages to where it is desensitized to evil. Not only did evil occur before the flood, as it did through history, but it has become more fashionable in modern times blurring the lines of morality in an acceptance of promiscuity, sex, drugs, and outward Satanism. We look at the influence of the Illuminati, the infusion of Theosophy, New Age, and the demise of the family unit in the plan to oppose God.
Tracing the course of evil from the Garden of Eden, to Nephilim, to Nimrod and up to modern times with the practices of society and public rituals in performances.
We explain the transition from biblical morality to the plot to kill the church. And the attempt to influence theistic thought with Deistic doctrine where God is not in control, but man and the Age of Reason must take the reign.
The founding of the Bavarian Illuminati to influence sectors of society into a demoralization of Enlightenment for the Secret Society Utopian society.
The Mid-1800s of the industrial revolution and influence of Albert Pike for wars.
The influence of New Age through Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy that paved the way for new thought. Aleister Crowley also coming on the scene around that time into the turn of the century. And the rise of Nazism with occult science and progression of mind control and evil intentions.
Something broke during that time with the sightings of lights in the sky and the UFO phenomena. Opening the doors for occult alien observance that questioned the biblical account of creation.
Then the role of entertainment with Hollywood and the development of the Rock and Roll movement and drug culture that led to an introduction of sex, drugs, and rock and roll to promiscuity and sexual demoralization. Also New Age in music that brought us to overt evil Satanic rituals in performances right in our face, tolerated and acceptable.