“About this QAnon Trump inauguration, did anyone check Four Seasons Total Landscaping?” said one Twitter user.
We have been reporting here on the “supposed” progress of this Trump coup that many following false Intel proclaim. They insisted a March 4th return of Trump in the reflection of claiming the original Inauguration date and that on that day Trump would reclaim his Presidency while Deep State operatives get arrested by a military tribunal waiting in the wongs for his command as their Commander-In-Chief.
As you know by now, that didn’t happen. So what did the QAnon followers do instead? They now moved the date up to March 20th. I suspect the same result.
The reschedule was said to be due to a delay in getting the files in order. Of course it was. And it will continue to be a problem as NO ONE IS SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING IT. The only action I have seen is an investigation into the voting process to prevent the same thing NEXT TIME. Nothing spoken of reversing this Presidency by either the White House, tribunal operatives, or the military.
Clues have been used to give the hope of this turnover. Trump has used encoded messages in a recent speech to hint to his intentions of taking over soon, say these delusional Trumpsters. Phrases like, “I will win a third time” gave hope that he will simply charge the White House with his rightful place. But that is not what was intended if you rationally dissect what he said. Perhaps he alluded to the fact he believes to have actually won the race, despite the results shown due to fraud. He hinted to a third run, not an interruption of power.
Neither does he have that support from any military operation or otherwise. I have had communication from insiders on the floor of the White House in the military ranks who deny there is any such intentions.
Other suspicions is the lack of public address by Biden. Some claim he cannot give a State of Address because he actually does not occupy the White House. However, I have confirmation the White House is active and agents still report there with the President (Biden I’m talking about).
Source: QAnon’s March 4 Failure Prompts Wave of Trump Inauguration Jokes, Memes