Jade Helm 15, the realistic military drill conducted by the USASOC, is causing suspicion as it is in operation in several States in the country inviting full military equipment. While officials downplay the operation as just a drill, initiatives are in place for an active domestic terrorist procedure.
Jade Helm 15 publicized as a military drill involving several government agencies and branches of military.
Heavy military artillery are used in these operations, with heavy vehicles such as helicopters and tanks on the streets in which the operation is active. This is giving suspicion that it is more than a drill, and more than an operation to train for the Middle East, as sites are simulating American streets and not those of the Middle East.
While top military officials claim that the operation is training for over seas, private contractors are revealing that they understand the operation as not for the Middle East and states, “We are not training for Afghanistan and Iraq. This is about unconventional warfare.”
The operation involves intelligence agencies such as the CIA and NSA. A string of data is being collected of citizens that can be analyzed for possible terrorist suspicions. The Patriot Act approved monitoring of every citizen.
We already know that the NDAA allows government officials to detain citizens upon suspicion of terrorism or extremism without the right to Habeas Corpus Due Process. The guidelines to determine terrorism is vague and can include vets, Christians, Tea Party supporters, Constitutionalists, and anyone else having extreme political views that question the government.
FEMA rehabilitation camps have been placed all across the nation as detention sites for dissenters. The number of them reveal it is more than extremist terrorists. Walmart stores have been cited as staging areas for government.
The spiritual symbolism of the Jade Helm 15 logo and its motto “Master the Human Domain” is disturbing.
FEMA Mass Fatality Planning