Is the Apocalypse coming? Several things are happening in September 2015 leading up to climatic events of chaos. That is why we have called it the “big convergence.” Some speculate a takeover of government towards a New World Order, others the start of the Apocalypse. Some even the coming of Messiah. In this episode Jim Duke and Bob Nietupski highlight events up to September 23 (continued on next week’s show for the rest).
Will September be the time of the end? Some are expecting a big climatic event, or a move of global government to take over under a New World Order.
Here are some of the main events leading to September 23:
September 1 – FEMA’s annual “National Preparedness Month.”
September 11 – 14th anniversary of 9/11
September 12 – Madonna kicks off her “Rebel Heart Tour in Washington D.C. with the opening theme “Desecration of the Bride and the Arrival of the Fallen Angels.” We have identified her as a practitioner of Kabbalah. In the past she has performed Satanic ritual themes.
Also Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky predicts the arrival of the Jewish Messiah.
September 13 – ends the Shemitah year where the land was to rest on every seventh year, and laborers released from farm labor, as well as debt forgiven as according to Deuteronomy 15:1-2 and Leviticus 25:3.
September 23 – CERN adopts the “UN Year of the Light,” which is to suspect the esoteric meaning of enlightenment and illumination. As reported last week on the podcast, CERN is intending to open supernatural portals and dimensions that may release spirits. They will also kick off their support for SESAME, a project of light technology in the Middle East, which corresponds to opening up portals as SESAME is known as a fictitious magic word to open doors. We link this to the New Age intentions.
The suspicious date of September 23 has been hinted to as predictive programming. Past movies, TV shows and other media have been flashing 9/23 in a foreshadow of something to come. In the movie “Evan Almighty” the day of the flood would come September 23 with the last day to “get aboard the ark” on September 22. While we know God will not again judge the earth by a worldwide flood to destroy all flesh, He will bring judgment on an unrepentant generation, who has insistently and willfully rebelld against Him.
The Pope meets with President Obama on the 23rd, as well as with U.S. Congress for the first time on the 24th.
Next week we will continue to analysis of September and will focus on September 25 when the Pope meets with the UN General Assembly to address the agenda for the coming era. Will it be an inauguration of the New World Order? Is the Pope expected to give his blessing on the Luciferian UN agenda? We will see.
You will notice some glitches we had in the recording that we were losing connection and had difficulty getting through the topic. We left in the incident for you to witness in case this was a spiritual or deliberate agency attack on our report.