The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

Billy Graham 1954

A prominent icon passed away. Evangelist Billy Graham acquired worldwide popularity considered “America’s Preacher.” From a seminary student to stardom status, he gained a legacy through his work sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible to worldwide television audiences, with his “Crusades” across national and international boundaries. Graham received the respect of dignitaries, world leaders, Presidents, even Popes for his missionary work. He had even earned a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Some wonder how a preacher of Jesus Christ got past the persecutions and hostile religious boundaries of the world to be allowed passage into enemy territory. Some say must be a granted privilege of the Lord. Others question his associations and wonder if he had been assisted. However, is that in question? Many will overlook the questionable relationships he had to accept the good work, despite whatever shoulders he may have rubbed with along the way.

Many Christians consider Graham a giant in preaching the gospel, so any question of his integrity is not popular, or even acceptable. Some see him as doing a valiant task spreading the gospel to the world. However, while he did do that, others have a different impression of his method of preaching as promoting a watered-down ecumenical version of the gospel, in the likes of opening the gate wider to a general audience, and leading many down the road to the New World Order agenda.

There is no doubt Graham had an impact on the world, and that many got saved through his Crusades. However, is that due to his work, or despite it? God can and will use any means to bring some the gospel. And perhaps Graham was used to spread it “to the world” to ensure God’s promise that no one would be without excuse. Despite that possibility, we have to reveal some inside information about Graham’s affiliations, associations, and reasons for his success. No man is above reproach. And no man should be lifted up higher than he ought, even if his work is regarded as noble. Especially if that makes a person an icon in himself.

Many are too satisfied of the accomplishment of Graham to question his influences and affiliations as something to consider. However, we must question how Graham got his notoriety in the public and how a Christian got past all the persecution strongholds to rub shoulders with high-ranking dignitaries and get media publicity that led to his popularity. The scriptures say friendship with the world is enmity against God. He certainly was friend to the world with his connections. Yet this man can cross boundaries without question. That kind of success can only be attributed to having sponsorship from high profile sources. We have suspicion of both Freemason and Jesuit privilege. So let us look into it deeper.

Who “made” Billy Graham?

Billy Graham was converted as a believer in Jesus Christ in 1934 during a series of revival meetings in Charlotte North Carolina, where he grew up before attending Bob Jones College. After one semester, he found it too legalistic in both coursework and rules. At this time he was influenced and inspired by Pastor Charley Young from Eastport Bible Church. He was almost expelled, but Bob Jones Sr. warned him not to throw his life away and encouraged him to be a poor country Baptist preacher “somewhere out in the sticks …”

In 1939, Graham was ordained by a group of Southern Baptist clergymen at Peniel Baptist Church in Palatka, Florida. In 1943, he graduated from Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, with a degree in anthropology, when he decided to pursue preaching, and served as Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Western Springs, Illinois. At age 30, he was hired as president of Northwestern Bible College in Minneapolis until 1952. He went on to be evangelist for the Youth For Christ traveling through the United States as well as Europe.

Graham somehow gained the favor of media giant William Randolph Hearst, who backed Graham’s campaigns and became a supporter, even though Graham and Hearst never meant. Graham recalled the event of 1949 in his autobiography.

When I arrived at the tent for the next meeting, the scene startled me. For the first time, the place was crawling with reporters and photo hers. They had taken almost no notice of the meetings up until now, and very little had appeared in the papers. I asked one of the journalists what was happening.” `You’ve just been kissed by William Randolph Hearst,’ he responded. “I had no idea what the reporter was talking about, although I knew the name. Hearst, of course, was the great newspaper owner. I had never met the man, but like most Americans I had read his papers. The next morning’s headline story about the Campaign in the Los Angeles Examiner,, followed by an evening story in the Los Angeles Herald Express—both owned by Hearst stunned me. The story was picked up by the Hearst papers in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and San Francisco, and then by all their competitors. Until then, I doubt if any newspaper editor outside the area had heard of our Los Angeles Campaign….

Apparently, Hearst sent a message to his editors that simply stated, “Puff Graham.” The unusual order gave Graham publicity in the press, as it meant that the media was given order to puff Graham up for publicity. For some reason the multimillionaire Hearst financed Billy Graham’s evangelistic efforts for the first three years of his crusades. Billy Graham instantly became a nationally known figure when Hearst publicized him through his newspapers in 1949. Hearst’s influence got the national media to pick up on Graham and he immediately rose up in the public forums.

The Hearst Publishing dynasty owned many major newspapers and magazines. A question arises why Hearst was so interested in the little preacher Billy Graham. Graham admitted before the support that his campaigns went ignored and unnoticed. However afterward, every newspaper and magazine across the country noticed. Graham admitted it was a turning point.

Some may think this was a supernatural intervention of the Lord to work on the heart of a secularist. And in some indirect way, it perhaps could have been as such. However, the background and affiliation of Hearst is quite questionable. Hearst was connected with the Masons, as well as his family of an Illuminati bloodline, having power in the media industry. Why would he be interested in financing little ol’ Billy Graham?

In scripture, it says that the borrower is slave to the lender. By getting involved, Billy would be enslaved to Hearst, forever indebted and bound. That means Hearst could control the influence of Billy by pulling strings. Possibly even without Billy realizing it if Billy was too flattered by the possibility of his success. One has to be careful mixing dark with light, and mixing unequal yoke. Remember that fellowship with the world is enmity against God. This alliance made Graham accountable to the world through the ones connecting him with it. Perhaps this was a way of controlling Graham’s message and using it for a bigger agenda, to control the influence of Christianity through Graham as a pawn for the New World Order. We know of such tactics by the Illuminati, and also the hidden agenda of the Masons and Jesuits to infiltrate their enemy to control the greater cause.

Many of the heads at the Hearst Publishing Company were Freemasons, such as Frank F. Barham, Vice President and Director; Harry O. Davis; William DeBeck; William Franklin Knox, General Manager; Merrill C. Meigs, Vice President, and later President of Hearst Corporation in Chicago; Frank J. Nicht, Director; and Fred A. Walker.

Many other hands led Billy into bigger popularity. Armand Hammer, who was prominent in the world’s power structure and working toward an overt One-World-Government, had been able to get Billy Graham into any country. One can only ask why such secular and occult groups be interested in Graham and his spreading of the gospel into all the world.

Billy Graham’s Jesuit Influence

A letter from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (written by W H. Martindale) dated February 29, 1968 stated: “Mr. Graham, under no conditions, suggests affiliating with those who are, in their doctrines, contrary to the Scriptures.” Yet his influences are to the contrary.

Graham was influenced by ecumenical preachers such as Norman Vincent Peale, a Mason who shared a watered-down gospel. Peale authored, “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

Before his first citywide crusade, Graham had met an influential person. Before he had started preaching for Youth for Christ in 1944 and was an unknown young man, a Jesuit Catholic named Fulton Sheen, who was a worshipper of Mary, sought out Billy Graham to impose his influence on the up and coming evangelist and offered him consultation. Graham gave Sheen credit for his salute to his views in Catholicism and for mentoring the up and coming world evangelist.

In his 1997 autobiography, Graham described his first meeting with Sheen. He says he was traveling on a train from Washington to New York and was just drifting off to sleep when Sheen knocked on the sleeping compartment and asked to “come in for a chat and a prayer” (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 692). Graham says: “We talked about our ministries and our common commitment to evangelism…”

This is the very same Fulton Sheen that actor Martin Sheen adopted as his name when he was Jesuit trained. This has given us reason to believe the Jesuits actively controlled Graham’s message and ministry and connected Graham to a Catholic root. Thus, Graham acknowledged that he accepted Fulton Sheen’s sacramental gospel as the truth even in those days.

Graham was also influenced by theological Modernists. In a lecture to the Union Theological Seminary in February 1954, Graham testified that in 1953 he had locked himself into a room in New York City for an entire day with Jesse Bader and John Sutherland Bonnell, that he might ask them questions and receive their counsel. Bader was secretary of the radical National Council of Churches that Graham would make an affiliation with. Bader and Bonnell were high-ranking Liberals who denied many doctrines of the New Testament. In an article in Look magazine (March 23, 1954), Bonnell stated that he and most other Presbyterian ministers did not believe in the virgin birth and the bodily resurrection of Christ, the inspiration of Scripture, a literal heaven and hell, and other doctrines. Billy Graham adopted those beliefs.

One can only imagine why the Jesuits were interested in Billy Graham. The Jesuits loathe Protestantism and set out to weaken it by infiltrating the faith and true Christianity to induce the allegorical doctrines of Catholicism and Freemasonry and weaken the faith from within. Taking a look at the Oath of Induction into the ordination for a Jesuit, you’ll see their call to violence against Protestants and true Christians and their hatred for them.  We wonder if Graham was used for this purpose of watering down the message and making it contaminated, becoming all-inclusive in order to weaken true Christianity and weaken its impact on society. The gospel preached without power is worthless. Preaching a false sense of Jesus isn’t always beneficial to the faith, and may only increase ignorant belief.

Catholic Affiliation

Graham preached the gospel to the world through his “Crusades,” and may have been the most prominent in spreading the gospel to the world. Did it have the intended successful impact? Notice the similarity of his “Crusades” with the Crusades of the 11th Century Roman Church. The Crusaders penetrated boundaries to spread the Roman version of Christianity; a forced political State religion. Graham has penetrated many boundaries in a similar fashion. And his influence had connections with the Roman Church as well.

Was Billy Graham promoting true Christianity, or the State Religion of Catholicism? Was Graham merely an agent for the Roman Church? Some had warned him that if he wasn’t careful about the men he had befriended over the years, that he would fall under the Roman ecumenical unity. As it was, he led an ecumenical campaign under the WCC and for the Catholic Church.

In his 1997 autobiography, Graham acknowledged that he began to draw close to Rome very early in his ministry:

At that time [March 1950], Protestantism in New England was weak, due in part to theological differences within some denominations, the influence of Unitarian ideas in other denominations, and the strength of the Roman Catholic Church. In spite of all that, a number of Roman Catholic priests and Unitarian clergy, together with some of their parishioners, came to the meetings along with those from Evangelical churches. With my limited Evangelical background, this was a further expansion of my own ecumenical outlook. I now began to make friends among people from many different backgrounds and to develop a spiritual love for their clergy (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 167).

Boston’s Archbishop Richard Cushing also “exercised a special influence over Billy Graham beginning in 1950.” Cushing printed ‘BRAVO BILLY’ on the front of his diocesan paper during the January 1950 campaign. In an interview in 1991, Graham referred to this as one of the highlights of his ministry:

Another significant thing happened in the early ‘50s in Boston. Cardinal Cushing, in his magazine, The Pilot, put ‘BRAVO BILLY’ on the front cover. That made news all over the country. He and I became close, wonderful friends. That was my first real coming to grips with the whole Protestant/Catholic situation. I began to realize that there were Christians everywhere. They might be called modernists, Catholics, or whatever, but they were Christians (Bookstore Journal, Nov. 1991).

By the end of 1950, Graham had formed a permanent team of staff members who arranged his meetings. Willis Haymaker was the front man who would go into cities and set up the organizational structure necessary to operate the crusades. One of his duties even in those early days was as follows:

He would also call on the local Catholic bishop or other clerics to acquaint them with Crusade plans and invite them to the meetings; they would usually appoint a priest to attend and report back. This was years before Vatican II’s openness to Protestants, but WE WERE CONCERNED TO LET THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS SEE THAT MY GOAL WAS NOT TO GET PEOPLE TO LEAVE THEIR CHURCH; rather, I wanted them to commit their lives to Christ (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 163).

In 1968, Graham was in a meeting in San Antonio, Texas. He said that the Roman Church had given ‘tremendous cooperation’ in areas where he had held crusades. He added, ‘A great part of our support today comes from Catholics. We never hold a crusade without priests and nuns being much in evidence in the audience.”

In Poland in 1978, “Graham taught nuns and priests how to evangelize. A picture taken at the famous Polish Shrine of the Black Madonna shows Graham welcoming pilgrims to the worship of their Virgin.”

A Catholic nun, Macrina Scott, director of the Catholic Biblical School in Denver, says she trained about 80 counselors and Bible teachers to assist Billy Graham’s Rocky Mountain Crusade.

Some in the Crusades have realized Billy Graham’s deep loyalty to the Catholic Church. In many countries, the Graham Crusades hand over decisions to the affiliations of the Catholic Diocese.

It becomes unsettling when Graham says things like this:

I lost a very dear friend (Jesuit Fulton Sheen), and since that time, the whole relationship between me and my work, and the Roman Catholic Church has changed. They open their arms to welcome us and we have the support of the Catholic Church almost everywhere we go. And I think that we must come to the place where we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ, not on what denomination or what church or what group we belong to. [Interview with Robert Schuller, June 8, 1997]

Decisions Into the Hands of Rome

It is known that the Billy Graham Crusade send many of their “decisions” to Catholic organizations. Is this of the Jesuitical loyalty Graham has sworn? It has been reported that many of the “decisions” have been lost to the Catholic organizations and to the doctrine of Catholicism.

According to a report, the decision cards are not sent to Bible-believing churches in most cases. Many of the cards signed out are sent to Liberal churches in the community. In 1952 the Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph reported that Graham’s in his own words said,

Many of the people who reach a decision for Christ at our meetings have joined the Catholic Church and we have received commendations from Catholic publications for the revived interest in their Church following our campaigns. This happened both in Boston and Washington. After all, one of our prime purposes is to help the churches in a community. If after we move on, the local churches do not feel the efforts of these meetings in increased membership and attendance, then our crusade would have to be considered a failure.

In 1983, The Florida Catholic reported that 600 people were turned over to the Catholic Church from the Orlando crusade. On the evening of June 9, 1982, the names of 2l00 inquirers were given to priests at Pope John XXIII Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts.

In 1987 at the Denver crusade, 500 individuals were referred to the St. Thomas Moore Roman Catholic Church from just one service.

At the 1996 Charlotte Crusade held by Evangelist Billy Graham, the decision cards of 1700 Catholic respondents to his invitation to commit their lives to Christ were given to the local Catholic Diocese for follow up.

By September 1992, the Catholic diocese of Portland, Oregon, had set a goal to supply 6,000 of the 10,000 counselors needed for the Graham crusade. All Catholics responding to the altar call were channeled to Catholic churches.

So, even if Graham was preaching the true Gospel of Christ, by allowing the message to be reinterpreted by Catholic Church counselors, the scripture and true gospel has been superseded by Roman Catholic doctrine, and the recipient of membership is the Catholic church, not the faith of Christ.

Some will say, “Who cares, as long as they hear the gospel of Christ.” However data shows that the decisions are actually lost and turned to Catholic converts, not believers in Jesus Christ. Or else they are lost altogether.

Once I met a missionary group who did work in follow up of Billy Graham Crusade decisions. They admitted their disappointment that despite the numbers boasted of decisions by the BGEA, the missionaries found that very FEW decisions have resulted in actual conversions, and that the effort was discouraging. They reported that many of the confessions were only one-time verbal blurts in the heat of the moment and not anything meaningful. The universal message was one that was the Word not mixed with faith. They regretfully informed me their efforts seemed vain, the Crusade not as successful as perceived.

An Ecumenical Message

Graham’s message was likely influential. However, it did not have the elements of salt, the conviction of the repentance that one surrenders wholly to Jesus Christ. Graham’s own testimony stated that one merely shall only have to accept Jesus as the light. And in more recent years, Graham had been heard rejected the true gospel and claiming that many who are not believers in Jesus Christ, including Jews, Hindus, Muslims, and especially Catholics, may still be of the body of Christ, though they may not know it, and that not just Christians go to heaven. He also said those who may not even have confessed the name of Jesus, nor even KNOW the name of Jesus may still be saved and just don’t know it. However, that is contrary to the gospel of repentance, confession, and believing in Jesus Christ alone for the remission of sin. But it does coincide with the ecumenical message of Rome. And it only falsely opens the gate wider for the general audience to accept. But to their peril of not having the whole of the true gospel.

He notes in his biography that “one thing that thrilled me [about Florida Bible Institute] was the diversity of viewpoints we were exposed to in the classroom, a wondrous blend of ecumenical and evangelical thought that was really ahead of its time” (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 46).

When Billy Graham had gone to Catholic countries, his Crusades had been helpful to the Catholic churches. The Jewish author Gerald S. Strober in his book “American Jews Community in Crisis,” p. 110 states that after a resolution in Feb. 1973 at Pittsburgh by the NCC, after the National Council of Churches failed to pass a resolution declaring the NCC against converting the Jews to Christ, Billy Graham gave assurances to Jewish leaders that God had a special place for the Jews and that he rejected “coercive evangelistic efforts” by Christians to convert Jews to Christ. This was the Zionist influence over him.

Privately, Graham has assured Jewish leaders he is against converting the Jews to Christianity. Strober also informs his readers (p. 111) that many Christian organizations that are “Jewish Missions” take their marching orders from Billy Graham. Some have been suspicious that these Jewish Missions were designed to pad their figures of converts to get more financial support, while pretending to convert Jews. [“Billy and the U.S. Presidency”, Journal of Church and State. Vol. 22, Winter 1980, p. 126.]

All this cooperation with the Catholics and Jews is summed up by Billy Graham’s statement in 1957, “Anyone who makes a decision at our meetings is referred to a local clergyman, Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish.” That means Graham made no deliberate effort to send them to authentic Bible-believing churches, but to whatever affiliation he was obligated. And to make a bigger impression.

However, we find that these weak confessions only leave the seed on the surface, not taking root in the soil, and then is plucked up. Billy accepted this approach in his delivery. And catered to whatever group gave him greatest attention and invitation.

Billy Graham has rubbed shoulders with powerful people. He has been affiliated with councils like the Federal Council of Churches of Christ, and the World Council of Churches. Is it any wonder his message was ecumenical? Dr. G. Paul Musselman, Executive Director of the Department of Evangelism of the National Council of Churches, spoke in warm terms about the work of evangelist Billy Graham…’I call Billy Graham the…greatest of the ecumenical voices,’…” [McMahan, Tom. art. in The State, Columbia S.C. newspaper (Nov. 21, 1960)].

In an interview with Robert Schuller on May 31, 1997, Billy Graham expressed that those who may not even know the name of Christ may be saved because they’ve believed in their heart that there is a God.

The body of Christ comes from all Christian groups. Everyone that loves Christ, or knows Christ, whether they’re conscious of it or not, they’re members of the Body of Christ. God’s purpose for this age is to call out a people for His name. And that’s what God is doing today, He’s calling people out of the world for His name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world, or the Christian world, or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ, because they’ve been called by God. THEY MAY NOT EVEN KNOW THE NAME OF JESUS, but they know in their hearts that they need something that they don’t have, and they turn to the only light that they have, and I think they are saved, and that they’re going to be with us in heaven. Some may never have heard of Jesus, but they’ve believed in their hearts that there was a God, and they’ve tried to live a life that was quite apart from the surrounding community in which they lived. [Hour of Power, May 31, 1997]

Graham also made this astonishing proclamation:

I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.

Pagans believe a path to divinity through nature. Is that what Graham approves for salvation?

New Age Interests

In 1979 the Billy Graham Evangelical Association invited Evangelical leaders to meet together at Wheaton College with New Age leaders, as Willis Harmon, author of “Mysticism: A Global Change” gave his consultation in uniting New Age and Christianity. In his consultation with leading evangelicals, Harman advocated for the validity of “subjective experience”for broadening the concept of science to include the psychic world. The transcripts are published in a book entitled “An Evangelical Agenda: 1984 and beyond,” copyright 1979 by the Billy Graham Center and published by the William Carey Library (Fuller Theological Seminary). The book contains “Addresses, Responses, and Scenarios from the ‘Continuing Consultation on Future Evangelical Concerns’ held in Overland Park, Kansas, December 11-14, 1979.”

Willis Harman was a Luciferian occultist of Theosophy. Harman also substantially influenced the notorious and disturbing Global 2000 Report to President Carter and was also a part of Planetary Citizens/Planetary Initiative as well as one of its convening organizations: the limited membership United States Association for the Club of Rome.” [From A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age ‘Messiah’ by Constance Cumbey, Pointe Publishers, 1985, p. 39.]

A letter found and displayed in Fritz Springmeier’s book, “Be Wise As Serpents” reveals a letter of Graham endorsing psychic Jeanne Dixon. The letter reads:

Dear Mrs. Dixon:

Thank you for your good letter of February 18, (year unknown). I am sorry for the delay in answering, but I have been in the West Indies and am leaving in a few days for Puerto Rico where I will be conducting a series of meetings.

Indeed, my wife and I have followed your writings with the greatest possible interest. In several of my sermons I have quoted from A GIFT OF PROPHECY. We have heard from several mutual friends that you are indeed a woman of God, and we thank God for you.

Recently, in Jamaica, we became acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, whom I believe you know. They have promised to give us the joy and thrill of meeting you on some future trip to Washington. The Jean Dixon Special Receipt is excellent.

With warmest personal greetings, I am

Cordially Yours,

Billy Graham

Does this tell that Graham did not have discernment of the power hold over him?

We wonder if Billy Graham even believed that Jesus is the only way to God. In a 1997 interview with ecumenical preacher Robert Schuller, Graham said:

I think that everybody that loves or knows Christ, whether they are conscious of it or not, they are members of the body of Christ… [God] is calling people out of the world for his name, whether they come from the Muslim world, or the Buddhist world or the non-believing world, they are members of the Body of Christ because they have been called by God. They may not know the name of Jesus, but they know in their hearts that they need something they do not have, and they turn to the only LIGHT they have, and I think that they are saved and they are going to be with us in heaven.

The reference to LIGHT in that context is a Masonic term to refer to belief and knowledge.

Billy Graham a Freemason?

There has been accusations that Billy Graham was a Freemason. Or at the very least, affiliated somehow with the semi-Secret Society. But this is questioned by some, as Masons have been closely associated with Graham. Even so, the Masons are cunning at covering up their tracks, and hiding information under the cloak of secrecy, however, despite that some have come forth to confirm these suspicions, with a Masonic claim to the evangelist. The BGEA has remained silent on this issue if they had even attempted to outright deny it altogether. If anything there is a mysterious omission that has left some to wonder. Despite that we do have some connections cited.

According to Billy Graham and His Friends, by Cathy Burns. a past director of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), William M. Watson, was a Freemason [p177]. Another director, David M. McConnell, was also a Freemason [Ibid]. The co-chairman of the Billy Graham Crusade Advisory Committee for the St. Louis Crusade in 1973, Arthur Lee Malory, was a 32nd degree Mason [Ibid]. Billy Graham calls Brooks Hays “my old Christian friend” and an adviser, yet Hays was a Mason [p58]. For the 1992 Portland, Oregon Billy Graham Crusade only Shriner clowns were allowed to perform [p177]. To become a Shriner, a person must first be a 32nd degree Mason.

The Masonic book The Clergy and the Craft was published in 1970 by a Freemason, Rev. Forrest D. Haggard, which clearly reveals Dr. Billy Graham’s approval of the Masonic youth organization DeMolay. Billy Graham said:

…happily, this group is a tiny minority, with more noise than influence. Then there are thoughtful, concerned young people – who seek to correct errors in moral navigation that have been made by their elders, intelligently and responsibly. There are the young people upon which the hope of America’s future rests and DeMolays are part of this group.. May God richly bless all DeMolays as they continue their good work. … [p390].

The sleeve of Albert Mackey’s book “The History of Freemasonry” cites Billy Graham as a known Mason in the organization.

In his book, The Deadly Deception, (1988), p.104-105, ex-Mason Jim Shaw exposed that an “internationally prominent evangelist” was present at his induction to the 33rd degree. While he originally named the evangelist, the publishers of his book, Huntington House, refused to publish it with the name of the Evangelist, so Shaw was forced to remove the name from his book to replace it with an allusive description only, or else the publisher refused to publish it. Shaw later revealed to others in interviews and discussion that it was Billy Graham he was referring to, and that Graham was present at his induction to the 33rd degree. Only very High level Masons are allowed to witness inductions for 33rd degree Masons. Graham was ranked as authorized. Of course, Shaw was victim of a discrediting campaign after he revealed this.

Author Robert Morey stated that he examined a file in the Scottish Rite’s House of the Temple for Billy Graham and confirmed that reference in Shaw’s book was in fact to Billy Graham.

Graham’s name was given in two official Masonic lists of one hundred famous Masons. His name was only removed from the lists after strenuous representations by the BGEA. As well as Shaw and others discredited by strategic tactics. Likewise, Billy Graham’s membership in the Lodge is held out to Masons as proof that Masonry is a Christian organization.

Researchers as Dave Hunt, Fritz Springmeier, and Ralph Epperson have spoken to those who have witnessed Graham Masonic affiliation.  Of course many of these evidences have been cunningly guarded from the public to discredit keeping that connection out of the media, as well as discrediting those who have come forth to claim it. And much of the traces have been covered and omitted. However hints have been brought out, and we still question how Graham can have fellowship with Masons having never been associated. If not a Mason, Billy Graham has captured prestige by Masonic groups, and has rubbed shoulders with many Masons. You are known by the company you keep.


Abuse survivor K. Sullivan has written an astounding book called MK, a fictionalised account of her life, which describes the world of multiple personalities. As a programmed assassin and sex slave, Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Robert Maxwell, Henry Kissinger, George Bush and Billy Graham, among others. Another victim, Cathy Fox names Billy Graham as an abuser at a ritual. Here is her account.

Fiona Barnett came out accusing Billy Graham of being present during ritual abuse. Trauma-based ritual survival Brice Taylor also mentions Billy Graham.

Dr Cathy Burns wrote his accounts in her book “Billy Graham And His Friends” in which she takes a look behind the scenes to expose his affiliations.

The Legacy of Billy Graham

The impact Billy Graham has had on the world is undeniable. He had successfully put out the gospel to the world in his Crusades. In one regard we may applaud his ability to penetrate forbidden barriers of the public media, perhaps even attributing it to the power of God to overcome. His presence in the White House and interjection into world affairs influencing other nation dignitaries may put him on the altar as the “Protestant Pope.” However, at the same time we must question how he managed to penetrate these barriers of the controlled media and Statesmen subject to other “powers-that-be” without resistance. The material above should explain that.

On October 15, 1989 Billy Graham got honored for a star on Hollywood walk of fame. A famous clergy with world renowned recognition. It should be a concern that he has enough influence that the world honors him since a man of God firstly doesn’t need to achieve that honor, secondly it may compromise him, thus compromises the power of the true testimony he intends to achieve. The Bible warns when one is being honored by men and the world.

Our concern is mostly over the accomplishment of his efforts, right? Did his gospel message truly accomplish what it intended? Of course there were conversions despite the background we discussed. And the name of Jesus Christ has been brought to the world through Billy Graham’s campaign. But that doesn’t give the person validation necessarily, only that it was still used by God despite what controlling factors were involved or who was pulling the puppet strings.

While showing some progress of the gospel, in another regard, Billy Graham’s work may have increased the validity of the false ecumenical message as well, and promoted the universal religion. It may have given some a false sense of salvation, or perhaps even obscured the hopes of the recipient through a quick taste of the message of the gospel, before yanking it and leaving the person a spiritual orphan. And to others it sent them into the hands of Rome.

So what happens to Billy Graham? That is up to God. We do not know his heart. We cannot determine his final state. No one can assume his destiny, that would be unfair. So we only hope that Graham had repented and forsaken any of his shortcomings, and gripped the true salvation of faith in Jesus Christ. Perhaps that was his place all along, just that he had too many influences distracting him and diverted him way off the path. Maybe unwittingly he was even an agent for their purpose.

He is considered an outstanding Evangelist by some, and his work acceptable to many, which many will defend. That impression is left to the discretion of the interpreter. The purpose here is simply to highlight some of the background facts to share information about the man that some did not know on how he was brought to stardom status, and received glory of men. And to realize anyone having such International fame may have been a victim of enticement for a worldly purpose. Whether you like him or not.

Have any decisions come? Well, despite the vehicle, God will use anything for His glory. Could he have used Graham despite? Absolutely. It would be inaccurate to say no one really ever got saved through the efforts of Billy Graham. Obviously some got the original introduction of the gospel by Billy Graham. Just as well could have gotten it by a cult leader or even occultist. It is not the vehicle however that is validated, but the message itself. So just because the message had accomplished its task doesn’t validate that Billy Graham necessarily is to be spared question for whom he affiliated, or some of the doctrines he held. Did Billy Graham have a true intent of the gospel? That is for God to determine. We shouldn’t lift up any man as an idol, nor make a great defense for anyone, not knowing of their affiliations, influences, or possible intentions. A few good things do not justify the error. So that doesn’t take Graham off the hook to question the things that need to be brought up that were error, as he is not unaccountable to reproof just because of those good things. We point out what lurks behind the veil as well.

Conclusive Point

There is no doubt SOME have come to hear the name of Jesus Christ through Billy Graham. No less than one can come to hear about Jesus from the Jehovah Witnesses or Mormons. However, shall these things remain to go unnoticed because of the progress for the faith that many give to hail Billy Graham as a giant of the Christian evangelical cause? Shouldn’t we also expose unscrupulous connections, affiliations with Secret Societies, accusations and facts what we know, DESPITE that some still might have gotten saved from this means? The vessel is not the hero, he is merely a man. Jesus Christ is the one who calls those to be saved. The instrument is not to be praised. God has led people to Himself through cults, through witch covens, through New Age, even through Atheism. He can choose whatever He wants. He can use a faulty deceived man as Billy Graham if He wants, or even a donkey if He chooses.



Fritz Springmeier, Be Wise As Serpents

Billy Graham, Just As I Am

Constance Cumbey, A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age ‘Messiah’

Cathy Burns, Billy Graham and His Friends

Jim Shaw, The Deadly Deception

David Cloud,

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