In this episode we discuss Kanye West and his weird cult religion that dresses in white robes that attracts celebrities like Justin Beiber and Marilyn Manson. Is this Christianity?
Listen to “Strange Religion… Kanye West” on Spreaker.
People can claim to be Christian, but do they actually show the characteristics of the faith? When a performer like Kanye West directs an offshoot into his own variation, we have to wonder if this is just some strange cult.
When likening it to a praise and worship Sunday, Kanye dismisses it as merely a gathering as a form of entertainment with a religious purpose.
Kanye’s group, initiated by invite only events, is led by the performer in a form of prayer while wearing white robes and hood, sometimes a white mask covering their face as well. He has invited stars as J-Zee, Justin Beiber, and now the questionable Marilyn Manson.