Plan of the CFR

Plan of the CFR

April 26, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The CFR proposes working through sectors of society piece by piece to achieve enough compliance for one world government. Led by the Illuminati bankers, its members contribute their sector to this effort of World Government. The incidents leading to WWI had been planned by the Elite Bankers in which to [READ MORE]

World Government Achieved Piece by Piece

World Government Achieved Piece by Piece

April 26, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The intent for WWI was constructed (planned) to involve the United States into the World Government by hoping war would persuade its Congress to accept a League of Nations under Marxism. Agents of the U.S., like Col House, Woodrow Wilson’s Adviser, working for Globalist interests tried to sway the U.S. [READ MORE]

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

During 1798 a Reverend, G.W. Snyder, wrote several letters to George Washington warning about his concerns of this infamous Secret Society known as the Illuminati penetrating into the United States Masonic Lodges. He sent Washington a book exposing this group and their intentions outlined by John Robison, entitled Proofs of [READ MORE]

The Establishment

The Establishment

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After WWI, the Elite tried to suggest the nations accept policies of peace through an agency called “The League of Nations.” After Congress rejected it, the orchestrators went back to propose another less threatening agency, but having the same goal in mind. In 1919 Colonel House met in Paris with [READ MORE]