The CFR proposes working through sectors of society piece by piece to achieve enough compliance for one world government. Led by the Illuminati bankers, its members contribute their sector to this effort of World Government.
The incidents leading to WWI had been planned by the Elite Bankers in which to stir the Congress of the United States into accepting Globalism. It was an intention of the 1919 World Peace Conference to plan for a World Government.
In 1912 Colonel Edward Mandell House published a novel entitled Phillip Dru, Administrator: A Story of Tomorrow, in which he outlined his ambitions for a Marxist Socialist system as a replacement for monarchy. Further look into his ideology reveals House actually intended a one-world Government, a one-world army, a one-world economy under his financial Oligarchy, and a world dictator served by a council of twelve faithful men.
President Woodrow Wilson developed a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a new world order. In 1917 he proclaimed American entrance into World War I in a crusade to make the world “safe for democracy.”
Surrender of National Loyalty
House’s puppet Woodrow Wilson hoped a global vision would result from the war and proposed a “League of Nations” reflecting world unity from his Fourteen-Point Plan. However, Congress rejected the ideas of a world council realizing it would require surrender of national sovereignty. The U.S. Congress was not ready for it. Neither would be the people. Not unless conditions were right that made a case to require it.
Instead Col. House proposed ideas for a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) that became an organization in 1921. Several bankers got behind the effort to fund the CFR, such as JP Morgan, Warburg, Schiff, and Rockefeller. Morgan’s attorney John Davis became first President of the agency.
The objective of the CFR was to form a policy-making institution for the American upperclass and includes top leaders in government, business, education, finances, labor, military, media, and banking, as well as clergy. Former member Admiral Chester Ward warned that the CFR was to bring about a surrender of national sovereignty and the natural dependence of the United States. Though introduced in less threatening perception gave way for many in individual sectors to accept. The United States Congress, as well as the citizens, would accept Globalism if introduced piece by piece and was spoon-fed through the sectors of society.
The CFR is an extension of the Jacobin Club, which is the same as the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Their goal is outlined as a means to confiscate the directives of all sectors of society to funnel them towards One World Government. The agenda is Luciferian and leads to the ushering in of Lucifer (or that concept) on the throne of the world.
The CFR published books and magazine articles beginning the indoctrination process of promoting Globalization and World Government. The CFR still exists and is active as the authority over the United States Department of State. Several members of business, financing, education, entertainment, and clergy are compliant members to bring about a mindset for Global Government. Rick Warren, who wrote the Purpose Driven Church out of his Saddleback Church that many modern churches model, has been an ongoing member of the CFR and leads the charge for Evangelical Churches into the New World Order.