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The Functions of the Faith

July 10, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

[Eph 4:11] 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; A person I met titled as “pastor” once said to me he is looking for a church to pastor. I asked him why he needs a specific “church,” and asked if [READ MORE]

Church vs. Ekklesia

Church vs. Ekklesia

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We have turned the body into an institution with a facility. To prove this, we invite a community of believers AND unbelievers to join in unequal yolk to hear a preaching from an altar and we call it “church.” We “go to” church and we worship in “church.” Church is [READ MORE]

Bethel Church Tells Witch that She’s “On the Right Path” and “God is So Proud of Her!” — Pirate Christian Media

Bethel Church Tells Witch that She’s “On the Right Path” and “God is So Proud of Her!” — Pirate Christian Media

January 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This is an article from a former Christian who is now a witch; her blog is called: “Born Again Witch.” She and her fellow witch-friends (called a “coven”) visited Bill Johnson’s famous Bethel Church, in Redding California, and they also visited Bethel’s “School of Supernatural Ministry” where people are supposed to [READ MORE]

Churches Built on a Faulty Premise

Churches Built on a Faulty Premise

November 15, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The church model we are accustomed to is a system run as an Institution, organization, or denomination. It is governed by a governing church board, a board of elders, or upon a Pastoral vision. Many expect the churches to run by Pastor authority. That is what we had excepted as [READ MORE]

Upon This Rock I will Build My Church

Upon This Rock I will Build My Church

November 10, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Jesus built the church. But what is church, and how did we get the wrong understanding of the organization structure? Many will fill the blank with the word “church” because it is the translated word traditionally accepted used by the KJV and other translations. Let us look at a verse [READ MORE]

The Modern Church Dilemma

The Modern Church Dilemma

July 26, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

There is a move of people to leave the confines of the structured modern church. It isn’t that they have decided to move to the competition across the street. Not that they have left the faith to serve other gods. And in most cases not due to an abusive situation. [READ MORE]

Contamination in Christian Churches

Contamination in Christian Churches

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Contamination in Christian Churches – #041 The Bible warns some will creep into the Church spreading deception and doctrines of heresies. In this episode we will examine the true meaning of church, the direction of modern church, and the contamination of Freemasonry that has infiltrated Christianity to usher in [READ MORE]