AI Technology Taking Over

AI Technology Taking Over

July 29, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports of food shortages threaten our society. We wonder if it is a true shortage or if Elite have sabataged our supplies. FBI spying on citizens using data providers. Is AI going too far? Listen to “Food Shortage / FBI Spying / AI Technology Taking Over” on Spreaker. On my [READ MORE]

A Boost for 5G Security, Broadband Availability

A Boost for 5G Security, Broadband Availability

March 28, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The House Energy and Commerce Committee, applauded the passage of bills. “The bills signed into law today by the President are critical to ensuring that all Americans can access broadband and that our networks are secure and trusted,” the committee said in a statement. “The need for connectivity is even [READ MORE]

AI, CERN, Antichrist and Mark of the Beast

AI, CERN, Antichrist and Mark of the Beast

July 15, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way. Technicians may be much further ahead than is reported with the new technologies synchronizing. And the D-Wave quantum supercomputer seems to be a thread between all of the future connections between man and Internet, making us semi-transhuman beings. Is this the Mark [READ MORE]

Internet Ownership? CERN and its Influence

Internet Ownership? CERN and its Influence

December 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Despite the claim, Al Gore did not invent the Internet. Matter of fact, the concept was developed by a man named Vannevar Bush (no relation, even though Gore might get upset by it). Bush was working for the government at the time, but didn’t develop it for the government. However, they [READ MORE]