The United Nations Luciferian Connection

The United Nations Luciferian Connection

May 7, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many applaud the United Nations for its public policy and efforts of humanitarian society. Even President Trump resorts to complying with U.N. policies as is the norm and expected diplomatic practices. However, the U.N. is a front for Luciferian agendas. Proven by its underlining Luciferian themes and esoteric teaching dedicated [READ MORE]

New Age Progression

New Age Progression

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The New Age is a concept that was coined after the beliefs of the Theosophical Society founded upon the principles of Helena Blavatsky in 1877. Blavatsky was cited as being a mystic, Satanist, witch, and Luciferian occultist. In her books Isis Unveiled (1877) and The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky claimed that [READ MORE]

CERN: The Key to End Times

CERN: The Key to End Times

March 19, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

While some say they will NEVER accomplish what they intend, it certainly is a goal and representing what mankind will accept. It is Genesis 6. It is Revelation 9. It is Matthew 24. CERN is plastered with esoteric language and imagery. Revealing it is not just a scientific project, but [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed

New World Order Exposed

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world is in shambles. Nations war against nations, a new threat of terrorism has developed requiring the countries to tighten its security, and economic turmoil still looms. The environment is struggling as an agency is relied upon to regulate the available resources on the earth. And the Elite continue [READ MORE]

The Luciferian Network

The Luciferian Network

December 16, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many now know of the mysterious Elite group known as the Illuminati. My article Who Are the Illuminati explains the basics of this Secret Society. But behind the Illuminati is is a vast network working to rule physical earth, at the same time controlling principalities and powers in the spiritual [READ MORE]

New Age and Occult Luciferianism

New Age and Occult Luciferianism

June 5, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Madame Helena Blavatsky in the 1800’s promoted a spiritism that would invoke spirit guides for the betterment of society. Her belief is known as Theosophy, God-wisdom, that claims higher consciousness spiritual enlightenment. This developed into the Theosophist Society in which many world leaders have adopted as their belief system, such [READ MORE]

Media Propaganda for a Luciferian Agenda

Media Propaganda for a Luciferian Agenda

May 31, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The media is called programming for a reason. The role of media and entertainment is to feed the public propaganda by controlling the industry. We discuss who owns the media, how they control the information, and their Luciferian agenda of globalization for a New World Order. The Illuminati, the Jesuits [READ MORE]

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

January 1, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati hold a certain mystery intriguing to many. Many have heard of this mysterious group called the Illuminati, a Secret Society blamed for many of the world’s woes that control world affairs through governments, law, politics, and business and operate through entertainment, media, and education. Some have accused this group [READ MORE]

Contamination in Christian Churches

Contamination in Christian Churches

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Contamination in Christian Churches – #041 The Bible warns some will creep into the Church spreading deception and doctrines of heresies. In this episode we will examine the true meaning of church, the direction of modern church, and the contamination of Freemasonry that has infiltrated Christianity to usher in [READ MORE]

Dark Side of the Illuminati

Dark Side of the Illuminati

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Roots Illuminati have its roots in the most ancient religions. Their practices go back to Sumerian, Egyptian, and Babylonian religions. They adopted the elitism of the ancient Gnostics, but also the religious practices of occultism and sorcery.The Illuminati formed interdependently of these secret societies, but always related. They use Secret [READ MORE]