U.N. New Age Summit 2020 | podcast

U.N. New Age Summit 2020 | podcast

October 10, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The United Nations responsible for policies regarding environmentalism and economic stability coincide with New Age philosophies. They call it Sustainable Development, a mask for New Age disguised in policies We prove that the U.N. have a Luciferian agenda instructed by occultists for the demise of Christianity. Listen to “U.N. New [READ MORE]

Plan of the CFR

Plan of the CFR

April 26, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The CFR proposes working through sectors of society piece by piece to achieve enough compliance for one world government. Led by the Illuminati bankers, its members contribute their sector to this effort of World Government. The incidents leading to WWI had been planned by the Elite Bankers in which to [READ MORE]

World Government Achieved Piece by Piece

World Government Achieved Piece by Piece

April 26, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The intent for WWI was constructed (planned) to involve the United States into the World Government by hoping war would persuade its Congress to accept a League of Nations under Marxism. Agents of the U.S., like Col House, Woodrow Wilson’s Adviser, working for Globalist interests tried to sway the U.S. [READ MORE]

George Bush and the NWO | podcast

George Bush and the NWO | podcast

December 18, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

George H.W. Bush legacy you will not hear on mainstresm. We recall his esoteric legacy. Bush was honored by officials, past Presidents, and others upon his death for his service and legacy as 41st President of the United States. As many attribute his successes, we will use this occasion to [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed

New World Order Exposed

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world is in shambles. Nations war against nations, a new threat of terrorism has developed requiring the countries to tighten its security, and economic turmoil still looms. The environment is struggling as an agency is relied upon to regulate the available resources on the earth. And the Elite continue [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed | podcast

New World Order Exposed | podcast

May 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The New World Order, fact or fiction? We will explore what the New World Order is and when it was announced. The Luciferian roots and its ancient religious rituals and ties to the illuminati. How it is a plan for a One World Government of Globalism and what the Bible [READ MORE]