Plans for Another Pandemic 2023? | podcast

Plans for Another Pandemic 2023? | podcast

January 7, 2023 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Another exercise may be in the works for hint of a pandemic that could soon occur. October 23, 2022 in Belgium several health advisors; such as John Hopkins University, WHO, and Bill Gates, got together for “Catastrophic Contagion”, an exercise that went over a scenario for yet another possible pandemic. [READ MORE]

Great American Rebellion | podcast

Great American Rebellion | podcast

November 20, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Indications that America is starting to get tired of the pandemic. Some are fighting back. Also we explain how Christian truthers should conduct themselves in the fear of the Great Reset, NWO, and agenda upon the citizens of the world. Listen to “Great American Rebellion” on Spreaker. Appeals Court Re-affirms [READ MORE]

Pandemic In Perspective | podcast

Pandemic In Perspective | podcast

May 1, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We are weighing out the contradictions that question the pandemic and putting it together for those who still do not see the story behind the agenda. Listen to “Pandemic In Perspective” on Spreaker. We compare COVID with other viruses in its uniqueness. What were the early reports compared with current? [READ MORE]

Pandemic Global Agenda | podcast

Pandemic Global Agenda | podcast

January 9, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The United Nations has published a document through the W.H.O. laying out a plan for a Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. The document was dated September 2019 in which has a two stage exercise for dealing with pandemic (Event 201) and the release of a respiratory pathogen, which we suspect is [READ MORE]

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Proof of a Planned Pandemic

October 4, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

United Nations Agenda 21 was a brainstorm of Maurice Strong. He was an occultist New Age guru who dedicated his estate to the New Age Luciferian agenda, in which its goal is to transform the world. Now you know the purpose of the United Nations? Each year the World Economic [READ MORE]

COVID Lies and Propaganda | podcast

COVID Lies and Propaganda | podcast

September 12, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We continue the COVID saga this time exposing its propaganda. The CDC recently backed off its guidelines and also updated its stats using numbers of confirmed COVID cases specifically. Reduced greatly from the stated 153,000 to only 9,210. We will look at the propaganda of fabricated numbers and possible threats [READ MORE]