In this episode we are joined by author James Perloff who just finished his latest book, “COVID-19 and the Agendas to Come; Red-Pilled.” It was recently banned from Amazon, He will share the details of his book with us on the facade of COVID-19
Listen to “COVID Book Banned with James Perloff” on Spreaker.
James explains to use the banning of his book from Amazon, the reasons given, and possibly why. He also tells how he has prepared in case.
We discuss the agenda of COVID-19 going through topics in his book.
- The Lockdown
- Methodology of Panic
- Theories of the nature of COVID-19
- The End Game
James takes us through the facts why Lockdown is not acceptable in a society and how it disrupts civil liberties.
We look at the manner in which COVID was publicized, its means of wearing masks, and the continual perception that the nature of COVID constitutes the action taking place that is imposed by government through the official narrative. We look at the supposed death rates, the rate of recovery, and the faulty means of testing.
We go over some of the possible theories of what COVID is.
Then we take a shot at the possible potential by fueling this pandemic and what the Elite may intend for using it in their agenda of world control.
James can be found at his website https://jamesperloff.com/
WARNING: We have discovered that plugging James’ website link into Facebook gives a warning it has been prohibited by social media. Someone doesn’t want his information to get out.