Finders Cult, Satanic Ritual Abuse | podcast

Finders Cult, Satanic Ritual Abuse | podcast

December 22, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss the recently disclosed FBI files revealing a group called the “Finder’s Cult” that was involved in child trafficking and abuse of children under official protection of the CIA and members of the government around the time of the Franklin case. This goes to connections with [READ MORE]

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

July 1, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently officials have been busy taking down child sex rings. California has arrested a number of clergy and high profile Elitists in a recent sting. And Hollywood has come out and admitted that this is prominent in the Hollywood entertainment scene. Podesta emails opened doors to reveal more behind the [READ MORE]