Origin of Dispensation Pretribulation Doctrine

Origin of Dispensation Pretribulation Doctrine

September 15, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Modern day Christianity adopts a doctrine outlining a case for a Pretribulation Rapture scenario based on scripture. However, when reading and analyzing the passages, we need the footnotes of the Scofield reference Bible to see that. By following along, it strings the passages together to fit and makes the case [READ MORE]

History of Modern Dispensationalism

History of Modern Dispensationalism

June 23, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The modern futurist concept came from a Jesuit Priest named Francisco Ribera, who wrote a five hundred page document on the Apocalypse in 1590. Among other things, this work taught that the antichrist would come at sometime in the future for a literal 3 ½ year period right before the [READ MORE]