Pedophilia Ring Gets Mainstream Publicity

Pedophilia Ring Gets Mainstream Publicity

April 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many things done in the dark are squashed by mainstream TV and news. But this story was investigated by Dr. Phil who interviewed a woman exposing the Pedophilia environment exposing the rich, politicians, and high profile people. We will review this issue and bring it to the public because it [READ MORE]

Vault 7: Reveals What the CIA Can Hack

Vault 7: Reveals What the CIA Can Hack

April 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A publication code named Vault 7 was released by Wikileaks revealing hacking tools capable by the CIA. You will be shocked to find what these documents claim the CIA are capable of hacking. Your browser does not support the audio element. Vault 7 reveals hacking tools enabling the CIA to [READ MORE]

CERN: The Key to End Times

CERN: The Key to End Times

March 19, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

While some say they will NEVER accomplish what they intend, it certainly is a goal and representing what mankind will accept. It is Genesis 6. It is Revelation 9. It is Matthew 24. CERN is plastered with esoteric language and imagery. Revealing it is not just a scientific project, but [READ MORE]

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But Why? | Collective-Evolution

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But Why? | Collective-Evolution

August 30, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

  Since June 19th, eight medical/holistic/alternative doctors have been found dead, and at least four of these deaths are being treated as homicides. These deaths have perplexed and rattled people, especially those in the alternative medicine community, and everyone is wondering what exactly is going on. Are these deaths linked?  We [READ MORE]

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” |

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” |

August 22, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In an interview with the Lepanto Institute, former Satanist Zachary King shared about his 26-years in the occult and his involvement in ritual abortions.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT As LifeNews previously reported, many Satanists believe abortion is sacred and some participate in the procedures themselves. In fact, King explained that participating in abortions [READ MORE]

Are You Going to Heaven?

Are You Going to Heaven?

August 20, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Everyone wants to go to heaven. Everyone thinks they are going to heaven. However, when asked are you sure you are going to heaven, that is where many hesitate. So they are back to the beginning question. Some will justify their answer by claiming they are not any worse than [READ MORE]