Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

July 7, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment where a drug-fuelled homosexual orgy was taking place, the public is becoming more and more aware of what goes on behind closed doors of some of the most highly influential officials. Especially a religious Order that is the Mother of the religious [READ MORE]

Revealing Trump’s Illuminati Bloodline

Revealing Trump’s Illuminati Bloodline

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many have claimed Trump is an Illuminati. But only that he must be without knowing the actual connections, or tracing his genealogy. The Illuminati we speak of is not a membership organization, but is a tracing of bloodlines that go back to days of antiquity. The Illuminates believe they have [READ MORE]

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Trump to Meet with Top Elite Dignitaries

May 21, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Trump expected to visit Saudi Arabia, Israel, then Rome Vatican. Meeting with top Jihadists, Zionists, and Jesuits. What will this bring about besides ecumenical unity of monotheistic religions. Could be an attempt to unite religion. Then to demote Jesus to prophet status and relate him with the New Age Messiah. [READ MORE]

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The Trump Dilemma

May 21, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

For those who have argued with me about Trump, one side who says I am not regarding him as the controlled opposition he is, and then the other side who say I am not giving him a fair chance as the anti-Establishment individual he is, let me make a clarification [READ MORE]

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

April 30, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

For some time I have been warning that Trump is appeasing both sides. He campaigned that he is a Nationalist and will put America first to “Make America Great Again.” But he has shown another side as he drafted globalists to his administration, such as billionaire son-in-law Jared Kushner, who [READ MORE]

Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

People are aware of the prestigious claim to be of a Jesuit school or of those having Jesuit training. While many colleges boast of such high claim, few know the dark secrets of Jesuits and what they intend. The Jesuit Oath of Induction is a recorded document still filed in [READ MORE]

New World Order Out of the Chaos

New World Order Out of the Chaos

November 29, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world has a way to solve the problems, but is it just leading us to the false means of the New World Order? The world turns to false prophets, witchcraft, and Illuminati as wise agents. But they have been into some creepy things. We will discuss some connections with [READ MORE]

Is There Any Hope for America?

Is There Any Hope for America?

October 23, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

America is seeing times of distress. At the same time our current administration is telling us things are improving. For those in charge they want to see us maintain the path to continue the direction towards their America. But other Americans see that the nation has turned from its roots towards [READ MORE]