After the absence of the Knights Templar guarding the Vatican power, the Papacy lacked a militant army. In their place came the Jesuits.
The popular narrative tells that the Jesuits were founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola. However, we find their origins come much earlier.
In 1360 Giovanni Columbi formed a group called “Congregation of the Jesuiti” known as the Jesuats of Rome. Ten members from families of the Black Nobility of Roman bloodlines sponsored the Jesuits after the Jesuats. The mystic Rosicrucians, along with Rome’s Borgia of Spain (House of Borja), sponsored a group to replace the Templar presence in Rome. Roman lines intermarried Jewish lines to claim they have lineage rights to Jerusalem to be dubbed “King of Jerusalem.” This gave a Jewish flavor to blur the lines. The Rosicrucians, considered gatekeepers of the “Illuminati bloodlines,” also influenced the group as a mystic Secret Society, along with the Spanish Illuminati known as the Los Alumbrados, who were investigated by the Spanish Inquisition. Some believe the Los Alumbrados harbored the fled Knights Templar.
Under Cardinal Gaspero Contarini, a scholar Ignatius of Loyola of the Spanish Basque line was urged to become the face of this group. Ignatius had been getting “visions of Mary,” but despite his cult leaned towards worship of Mary, they called their group the “Society of Jesus” known as the Jesuits. Ignatius dedicated his life to Catholicism of Vatican and the Pope.
In 1540 Pope Paul III recognized the Jesuits to be Catholic “missionaries” (militant strongarm) in order to reign in those heretic Protestants and bring all back under the submission of the State of religious Roman Catholicism, so under a papal bull they were instated to lead a counter-reformation against the Protestants.
Using several developed tactics. they were successful infiltrating Protestantism and subduing it through their education influence. The Jesuits were masters of disguise hiding behind other faiths for the purpose of the cause often becoming servants to their enemies in the intent to subdue them. They infused the Jewish narrative to become a Jew, the Protestant narrative to become a Protestant, and even a Christian to infiltrate the Christian Church. Some Jesuits even became Rabbis as a cover.
Their motto “the end justifies the means,” meant that by any means necessary to carry out their infiltration to devour politics, culture, nations, and religion was permissible. They masked as their enemy to infiltrate from inside. They posed as lowly servants to gain access to information. Their Intel network was complex and thorough. They mastered in spying, espionage, and assassination holding secretive operation.
However, they too had secrets accused of them. It was suspected they had the same intent as the Templars to overtake countries through the Catholic Church offices set up in each. They were accused of meddling in International affairs and influencing politics.
A petition went out to ban them with pressure from dignitaries, so Pope Clement XIV issued a decree to abolish the Jesuits. In 1773 they were banned from every country. However, Clement realized upon signing the decree he stated that he just signed his death warrant. Months later the Pope was poisoned to death; a noted Jesuit MO of assassination.
On May 1, 1776 a Jesuit trained from youth, Adam Weishaupt, who was Professor of Law at Ingolstadt University founded the “Ancient Illuminates Seers of Bavaria” based on a group he formed called “the Perfectibilitists.” This became Bavarian Illuminati, or simply the Illuminati as the new modern branch of the infamous Illuminati.
Weishaupt took several tactics right out of the Jesuit playbook, to subdue and subvert sectors of society, nations, and control governmental systems for a Centralized government. Some believe Weishaupt carried on the Jesuits in their hiatus, however, in documents it is apparent he did so without Jesuit blessing, and was dubbed an enemy of their Order rather than its successor. In retaliation he sought revenge on the Catholic Church as well.
Jesuit Oath of Induction
The Jesuit have devious intent many do not know. In their own document, the Jesuit Oath of Induction, recorded and filed in the Library of Congress (yet as of late is difficult to trace) and stated in the Congressional Record of the U.S. (House Bill 1523) states their projected aim is to abolish Christianity (true Christianity) and to sacrifice (kill) a heretic Protestant. The Oath permits them any action that justifies gain for the cause. They become a Protestant to Protestants, a Jew to the Jews, and a Catholic to Catholics. They have become the lowliest of servants in order to subdue to gain information to subvert their enemy; very deceptively working secretly as the guise of their target as the Intel.
The Jesuits have been accused of heinous ritual practices before being banned. However despite their shady record, Pope Pius VII re-instituted them in 1814. Somehow they averted their reputation and cleaned up their record to reinvent themselves. Some say they rewrote history records, controlled education, and erased their accounts. This time they have rebounded as a prolific source of education in the Catholic Church many strive to model.
Jesuit World Order
Their intent is still the influence of Globalism and they still meddle in International Affairs, doing so through the clergy and the Catholic Church offices. They host several Universities such as Georgetown and Fordham.
The Jesuits took over the education centers and Seminaries. Even Charles H. Spurgeon warned in his Sermon #68 that clergy were trained under the doctrines of Jesuits and indoctrinated to preach a gospel with PORTIONS LEFT OUT, resulting in a watered-down ecumenical gospel. Many have been unwittingly subject to their doctrines through the modern churches and the means of “contemplative prayer”, as well as other indoctrinations.
The Jesuit goal is Globalism (see Georgetown University document “Jesuits for Globalization”). Claimed their intentions are to use Vatican as the Global Headquarters of the world with Jesuits in complete power for their brand of a New World Order. Their goal is to bring all religions under Vatican ecumenicalism and water-down the faiths to co-exist for the New Order Religion.
Many are aware of the visible Pope out in front of crowds riding his little buggy. But few are aware of a hidden Pope behind the scenes, known as the “Black Pope.” Simultaneously a White Pope (the visible one) is in power along with a Black Pope (hidden). The Black Pope serves as the Superior General of the Order of the Jesuits, the White Pope as figurehead. The current Pope, Francis, is the first time a Jesuit was elected as White Pope. This makes a White Pope and Black Pope both Jesuits in office at the same time, an indication that a converging goal is being reached.
Dark Rituals
Malachi Martin, a Jesuit whistleblower, documents that a Black Mass was held in St Paul’s Cathedral in 1963. During this heinous affair, several cardinals “installed Lucifer to his appropriate place” in the Vatican, as “head of the church.” Martin claims that a good deal of the child molestation occurring now is actually Satanic worship. Part of the Luciferian rites of many of the priests, nuns, and hierarchy.
Some insiders claim Jesuits practice sexual perversions such as homosexuality, pedophilia, and sexual abuse. We can only imagine a group so secretive on the inside must be carrying secrets.
Influenced Leaders of the Jesuits
Several Jesuits have come into politics and religion. Billy Graham was trained under Jesuit Fulton Sheen ( I found this unusual fact in my search after suspicions of Graham’s Vatican connection). This is the same Sheen that Jesuit-trained Martin Sheen (Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez) adopted as his surname in honor of Fulton.
Here are some influential people who are Jesuit trained.
Joseph Dunford – U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
John Kerry – U.S. Secretary
John Boehner – U.S. Speaker of the House
Tim Kaine – U.S. Virginia Senator
John Podesta – U.S. Counselor to President Barack Obama
Wilbur Ross – U.S. Secretary of Commerce
John Kelly – U.S Secretary of Homeland Security
Jerry Brown – U.S. Governor of California
Billy Graham – Evangelist trained under Fulton Sheehan
Donald Trump claims to be Presbyterian, yet he attended Jesuit Fordham University for two years and then transferred to the covertly Jesuit-controlled University of Pennsylvania. Whether indoctrinated in that time, he certainly has a connection to consider. He has also befriended Jesuit Cardinal Dolan and is very close with him.
Ivanka Trump – daughter of and U.S. Assistant to President Donald Trump, also trained at Jesuit University of Pennsylvania
Eric Trump – Son of and Trustee of The Trump Organization, attended Jesuit Georgetown University.
We are certainly under a Globalist World agenda. Are Jesuits placing their agents in high influential positions ready for a world takeover. It is just a matter of who is controlling the outcome of this agenda of a New World Order.
Proofs of a Conspiracy – John Robison, 1798.
History of Jacobinism – Abbe Barruel, 1798