The conflict between Russia and Ukraine; and also with NATO and the U.S., continues. We are told by one side Putin is a tyrant madman, but his side says Russia is merely defending its safety as NATO is creeping in around them along the borders through neighboring countries. Who do we believe? We provide analysis.
Sitting back in our comfy chairs of freedom, we don’t really know what the true issue with Putin is, nor the intent of NATO and the government officials of the Biden administration of the United States because both have their own claim. What we do know is that the conflict continues to fuel tension with opinions from every side. Do we believe Putin’s claim that he is defending the safety of his country, or do we believe the United States intent to protect an innocent Ukraine? Putin is criticized for his wrongful attacks, they say is unprovoked and they count him as a corrupt leader. However, Ukraine and the United States also act on corruption, so which is corrupt? They ALL are.
CDC loosens its restrictions in new guidelines that lightens up on mask mandates in 70% of conditions. They haven’t admitted masks were not effective as alt media is falsely reporting, just that the current condition of cases dropping have contributed to their decision… as well as SOCIAL MOOD.
COVID problems as reports out that vaccines have been causing variants as well as SARS-like symptoms. The CDC admits PCR test swabs may have gotten in the hands of DNA collection agencies.
Despite denial, mRNA genome therapy may have altered your DNA according to experts.
Here is a link to a claimed detox process if you had taken the “vaccine.”
Co-host Craig R. Peterson has written a book about the “Global Bully.” You can find his information here,