War has a purpose for the Elite. After seeing the secret papers of the Secret Societies, Carroll Quigley exposed their agenda for Socialism, only he thought it such a good plan it should be made public. Norman Dodd, head of the Reese Committee told that he was told by the Foundations their secret intent to change the culture of society for Collectivism (Globalism). His secretary witnessed the minutes of the meetings of the Carnegie Endowment. We share that information.
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The Elite have been provoking war as long as we know the French Revolution through the Illuminati. Today we see war and conflict continuing to pressures certain unruly leaders of those nations who threaten Global peace.
However, war has another purpose for the Elite. They use it to control and redirect a society as according to secret papers revealed by insiders.
Plan For Three World Wars
A supposed letter from 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike to Illuminati Mazzini told of his Plan for Three World Wars for the attempt to bring the world under its Centralized One World Government; New World Order. This letter became a conspiracy theory as an admitted hoax by Leo Taxil in the 1890s. A reference to this letter was given by William Guy Carr in his book “Pawns in the Game” in which he cites the letter as fact having even been catalogued in the British Museum Library, London, Eng. as claimed by Cardinal Rodriguez in 1925 and Edith Starr Miller (Lady of Queensborough. However since then traces of it vanished and it has been denied to have ever been in the Library.
While the letter boasts as a hoax in hindsight it is easy to see its plan carried out as though it was legit.
WWI had a purpose of taking down the Tzars in Russia and instilling Communism. From it came a call for the League of Nations, however that did not transpire due to concerns of Congress. Instead the succeeded promoting the Council on Foreign Affairs in 1921, a liaison board of prestigious members of heads of all sectors of society to direct their associated sectors to the principles of the New World Order for Centralized One World Government.
WWII was to be provoked by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. We know in the wake of WWII it did give way to a political Zionist State of Israel in Palestine in 1948, which was desired by the Round Table under Cecil Rhodes and Milner who had members such as Col House, Rothschilds, and Arthur Balfour in the late 1800s to the early 1900s.
The Papers Seen by Carroll Quigley
Harvard Professor Carrol Quigley, known as mentor to Liberal Socialists and Democrats, revealed in his work “Tragedy and Hope” that he had witnessed their papers and intent. He tells the aspirations of the Round Table, the political fronts they use to provoke Socialism, but that it is such a good ideology he wondered why they keep it a secret agenda. So he went out to teach it.
Quigley wrote:
There is… an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distribution, and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society.
He revealed both parties are controlled by the same group.
Through the business interests, they expected that they would be able to control both political parties equally. Indeed, some of them intended to contribute to both and to allow an alternation of the two parties in public office in order to conceal their own influence, inhibit any exhibition of independence by politicians, and allow the electorate to believe that they were exercising their own free choice. [Quigley, Tragedy, p73]
Quigley stated There exists and has existed an Intl Anglophile network which operates as Communists identified under the Round Table and Milner Group, in which he says he knows because for over twenty years to have examined their secret papers. His only objective was that it desired to remain unknown (not public). The financial Elite under the JP Morgan Company met in Paris to develop the British Royal Institute of Intl Affairs and Council on Foreign Relations and included Allen Dulles head of the CIA.
The Round Table publication through Chatham House, instructed the Councils on the directives towards Collectivism (Socialism/Globalism). This agenda included Democrats as well as Republican inner circles associated with financial investment banks like JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb and Company, and others. Each of these were linked to organizations, industrial firms, banks, insurance companies, utility companies, and railroads. The result formed a web of economic power centered in New York as well as tied to other major cities.
What The Foundations Admitted to the Director of the Reese Committee
Through investigation, Norman Dodd, Director of Research of the Reese Committee, found out from interviews the true intent of the non-profit Foundations. It was the duty of the Committee in 1953 to investigate the activities of non-profit Foundations as to ensure their activities did not violate American values, nor undermine the principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence implemented in the Constitution. The Foundations had been given grants to guide the directives of the education system.
An interview of Norman Dodd by G. Edward Griffen told of his experience when investigating the Ford Foundation. He told that he went to the office of the President of the Foundation, Rowen Gaither, who told him they expected him and knew what he wanted. Dodd went on and asked him to tell him their objective. Gaither admitted they were operating under directives directly from the White House to so as change the culture and the system in America so it could comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union. The reaction of Dodd was that after admitting that, to save the taxpayer money on continuing investigating suspicion, Gaither would be obliged to tell the public of their intentions. Gaither said he would do no such thing, as our own government the United States gave them yield to these directives.
Upon investigation of the Carnegie Endowment, Dodd brought questions to its President who told him instead of answering his detailed questions, why not just invite your secretary to examine the minutes of their board meetings in which he would find all his answers. He sent his secretary Catherine Casey, who was very much in support of the tax-exempt Foundations and questioned the necessity of the Committee, to read the minutes of the meetings of the Carnegie Endowment Foundation firsthand and report her findings back to the Committee.
To her regret, she found that the Foundations admitted the future of the world belonged to Collectivism and that the old style of individualism and personal Liberty served a purpose, but had to go. The next phase would serve more productive and prevent more conflict to yield to a Globalism in the world. In their minutes it revealed in order to bring about a world we want to progress it can be done through war. They asked if anything is better than war to change the culture of a society. Their problem was how to keep the war going to involve the United States. The notes Catherine viewed astonished her into shock so bad, she could not continue in her position and said to have had a nervous breakdown.
Situations of war and crises condition the citizens to surrender Constitutional freedoms and accept what under normal conditions would threaten their Liberties. All they think about under these conditions is survival.